Teddy Guzman Confesses: The Sad Story of Why He Didn’t Use His Real Name, Why He Never Remarried and More | Interview | Performance | Peru Television | Bruges | Work | Marzano Theater | Lights

Teddy Guzman Confesses: The Sad Story of Why He Didn’t Use His Real Name, Why He Never Remarried and More |  Interview |  Performance |  Peru Television |  Bruges |  Work |  Marzano Theater |  Lights

Zigzagging gait, red hair and catchy voice. His presence excites the senses. She is attractive, the owner of a great sensuality inspired by time, and appears in her every gesture like a shadow inseparable from her. Teddy Guzman (Lima, 1949) has been on stage for nearly six decades. She had the luxury of being the first Peruvian actress to show herself how God brought her into the world in a memorable scene. Although she has already experienced everything, she assures that she is still ready to receive more surprises in life. “Suddenly I’m not young on the outside, but on the inside I’m all that and more”, he nods.

For a few days, a large photograph appears near him Yvonne Frayssinet, Pilar Brescia, Camucha Negrete and Martha Figueroa cover part of the exterior. Marzano Theatre. This is a work by the cast of “Brujas”. Argentine Luis Agustin makes a triumphant return to the Miraflores stadium.

This is my second time doing this job. 20 years ago I did it with Camucha and Pilar. I love it. We had to relearn the lyrics and put emotion into it“, highlights.

Teddy Guzman She reappeared in “Al Fondo Hay Sitio”, playing the villain Carmen Torres. He shelters him with special affection as he brings him closer to a youthful audience. “I love it. I know there are two more days of recording, but I don’t know if you are going to extend it or leave it where it is.”, he clarifies.

Constant struggle

No restrictions imposed by his mother [la actriz Nora Guzmán]Not even a disappointing debut stopped Teddy Guzmán from giving up art. When he was a teenager, he forgot the lyrics of the song when he went on stage for the first time. It was during a live broadcast of the seventies show “El Clan del 4″.

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I started very young. It wasn’t easy. On the platform were the great men of that time. I came to zero when I tried to sing a new wave song. I backed up, slowly, and then left. But I came back after three months because no one was going to stop me from fulfilling my dreams. I wanted to go as far as I could.”

From that episode, it didn’t take long Rosa Yvonne Olaguibel Cáceres, the artist’s real name, ventured into acting and jumped into the fray. “My name is Teddy Guzman. The other person was not interested in me because he did not give me anything. I only use it for legal documents. If someone calls me that on the street, I don’t look back because I’m not that person.”, he clarifies.

Teddy Guzmán has never been sensual, but he’s flattered that people think he is. (Photo: Hugo Perez)

In the 80s, amidst terrorist violence in Peru, the actress caused a sensation by performing nude on stage in “The Price of Love”. A proposal – very audacious at the time – that earned her the title of ‘La Reina del Café-Teatro’.

It is a scam. Lucho La Roca told me about the role, he stripped it down for me, he completely nailed it, and doing something as serious as that, I was able to do it without any fear. We did it for years between blackouts and candles. When the lights went out due to terrorism, instead of leaving the campus, people stayed to listen to our stories.”, recalled the actress.

Her characters in television productions such as “From Above and From Below”, “Los Unos y los Otros”, “Luvia de Arena”, “Lus Maria” and “Isabella, the Woman in Love” are often solitary, as she is in real life.

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I am single and enjoying it. I loved once in my life and learned to go it alone. I was a widow at a young age. My husband died of metastatic cancer at 38. I am 41 years old. It was the love of my life. Since then, I have been alone. I didn’t get a chance to meet someone because I didn’t have company. That is why I said: ‘How handsome that man is’. But nothing else. I am not done leaving (dead) all the people who had something to do with my life: I kill. Now they’re going to call me Black Widow (laughter).”, he jokes.

Teddy Guzmán remembers his stage as a star with simultaneous nostalgia and gratitude. Also, he remembers the day when he caused a car accident while staggering on a busy road.

She was so young that she was actually a girl. Now I believe it, before I didn’t. I never considered myself attractive. I don’t look in the mirror and I don’t exercise. I watch my weight for a health issue, not an aesthetic one”, he highlights after reflecting on the past years.

One wants to stay young all his life, though one is young on the inside, no matter what one does, one cannot stay young on the outside. I feel a longing for what levels I can get more roles in, or a desire to come up with this level. I feel sad and at the same time happy that my children will have to take care of me at some point. What I hate the most is being dependent on someone. I don’t like being managed because I’m very rebellious. I don’t want my kids to bond with a woman who suddenly can’t move, or what I know. I am afraid to depend on someone. Not to death”, he insists.

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Teddy Guzmán enjoys loneliness and is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of having someone to depend on. (Photo: Hugo Perez)


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