When is the NASA International Space Station passing through your city? The perfect time you can see

When is the NASA International Space Station passing through your city?  The perfect time you can see

He Summer It’s a time Be with family and enjoy good times with your friends. However, it is a closely related term Light scenes In heaven, or by A shower of shooting stars why Aquarid Deltas Meteor Shower.

This date should include a New real event We can see it crossing the sky this summer. It is the International Space Station (ISS), these days his existence has been confirmed by NASA, naked eye.

Where and when to visit?

The US space agency says the spacecraft The third is the brightest object and is easy to spot if you know when to look. To the naked eye, it looks like a fast moving plane, very high and traveling thousands of miles per hour. faster”.

But exactly Where and when to visit? Well, NASA is on the Internet A search engine You can enter your city name in it (or closest to where you live) and the company will tell you ISS knows what hour, how long and at what coordinates.

The power of technology and the connection between humanity and the universe

For example, from the capital (Madrid)—and within a radius of 50 kilometers—in the early morning hours of August 21 to 26, the ISS 04:49 and 07:22 hrs, and about three minutes, in a north-northwest direction. However, it can be in Spain or other cities on the European continent Night and it lasts a long time.

A An unprecedented experience It will give great satisfaction to astronomy enthusiasts. This opportunity to observe the ISS is a highlight The power of technology and the connection between humanity and the universe. In a world full of distractions, this practice can be a reminder The vastness of the universe and our ability to see beyond earthly concerns.

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What is EEI?

The International Space Station (ISS) is a A technological marvel and A Symbol of international cooperation Orbiting the Earth provides a unique platform for scientific research and space exploration. Since launch into orbit 1998The ISS has become a focal point for human space exploration, providing an environment where Science, Technology and Cooperation Converge in the hospitable atmosphere of the space.

Located approx 400 kilometers from the Earth’s surfaceISS is a joint achievement of several space agencies NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) US Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Jaxa) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) This unprecedented collaboration reflects humanity’s ability to unite for common goals, even in the challenging environment of space.


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