“Channels” vs. WhatsApp “Groups”: Key Differences | Technology | Nnda | nnni | composition

“Channels” vs.  WhatsApp “Groups”: Key Differences |  Technology |  Nnda |  nnni |  composition

Share it It never stops updating and its latest changes include ‘Channels’ which came into the app in August. With that in mind, many people are still confused and don’t know exactly how it differs from ‘groups’, which is why they don’t get much out of it. Here I explain the main differences between the two.

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The first option is in the “Chats” section, and the second is in the “Messages” tab. That’s not all, The groups WhatsApp They are conversations capable of holding up to 1,024 people (including you).You can send messages or multimedia files to everyone at once.

New ones canals They are one-way chat, ie Only admin can share messages or multimedia content. Here you will find information about a specific topic that interests you, be it anime, video games, cooking, makeup, etc.

Differences between WhatsApp ‘Channels’ and ‘Groups’

Share it canals groups
They are encrypted. No Yes
Number of members or followers. Millions 1.024
Administrator. Only one Many
Anyone can send messages or files
No (admin only) Yes
Allows calls or video calls. No Yes
reactions. Yes Yes
Everyone knows your number. No Yes
Your photo, name and information
No Yes it depends
of systems
Everyone can make it. Yes Yes

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