Mason Sisk | Alabama: 14-year-old boy sentenced to life in prison for killing sleeping parents and siblings | USA | Stories | the world

Mason Sisk |  Alabama: 14-year-old boy sentenced to life in prison for killing sleeping parents and siblings |  USA |  Stories |  the world

In 2019, Mason Sisk committed a horrific crime. At the age of 14, he killed his entire family. Four years later, the Alabama Justice System, Ill America, he was sentenced to the maximum sentence: life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He was prosecuted as an adult, despite the Supreme Court’s recommendations for treatment of these types of cases.

SiskNow 18, he was sentenced last Thursday by a Limerick County Circuit Judge Chad WiseWho maintained it The crime was “heinous, According to the Associated Press Agency, disturbed and shrouded in utter evil.

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the youngest He killed his parents and three younger brothers at their home in Elkmont, Alabama.On September 2, 2019.

Last April, a jury found him guilty Sisk Various posts capital murder For shooting his father, his stepfather and his younger siblings, including a child.


father, Wayne Sisk38 years old, and foster mother, Mary Sisk35, They were found dead at homeWith his three children: Can6 years old, Aurora4 and Coulson6 months. All of them were shot in the head while sleeping.

“I’ve prosecuted a lot of people in my life,” Limerick County District Attorney Brian CT Jones wrote in a statement released to the media after the sentencing. SiskReport . “Y I can tell you that out of all those people, only four out of five scare me and he’s at the top of my list.”.

“Mason Sisk is one of the most dangerous individuals ever convicted in Limestone County” he added. “By today’s ruling, Judge scholarly “Mason Sisk has guaranteed that he will never threaten the safety and well-being of another child,” the lawyer continued.

Every year, about 200,000 minors

According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), they are being tried as adults in the United States.

In AlabamaHeavy punishment for this type of crime Death Penalty. But there was Sisk He was only 14 when he committed the crime, and the law prohibits him from being sentenced to death.

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Even the US Supreme Court points it out A life sentence is inappropriate for offenders under the age of 18Except in the most isolated cases, the AP said, judges should consider “the juvenile’s lesser criminality and their greater capacity to change.”

Mason’s father was John Wayne Sisk and his stepmother was Mary Sisk. (WHNT News 19).

He finished his confession

According to the media , A total of 31 witnesses appeared at the trial in April. Additionally, during the trial, jurors viewed video footage Sisk I confess to the murders. said He committed the crimes because he was “tired of all the fighting” in his family.

“They go through a lot of things,” she said of the children.

Before his confession, Sisk had told police he was playing a video game in his basement when he heard gunshots. He then saw a vehicle leaving his home, the AP reported.

On investigation it was revealed that the youth had tried to harm his stepson earlier. He once mixed the woman’s coffee with peanut flour and learned she had a severe peanut allergy.

And it also came to light when he threatened his father, John Sisk I had “anger control” problems. When he was with his three younger brothers.

In addition, Sisk was accused of stealing two rings from his stepfather, which he later sold. .


Juveniles and the Death Penalty in the United States

  • In 2005, the United States Supreme Court abolished the death penalty for juveniles.
  • Then, in 2010, it eliminated minimum sentences without parole and life sentences without parole for juveniles who committed non-capital crimes; That means they didn’t kill.
  • Some states have established a minimum age between 10 and 13 years to be considered an adult.
  • Since capital punishment was instituted at the federal level at the turn of the last century, an estimated 365 juveniles have been executed.
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Mary Sisk was a special education teacher at Mountain Cape Elementary School in Huntsville.

Before the sentencing, the woman’s relatives spoke about their relationship with Mason. “You have been accepted into our family since the age of 4. I remember taking you to play video games and basketball practice. You are in our family photos and we are left to remember our family. An entire family is lost. I lost my sister. “She loved you and you killed her,” said Douglas Prater, Mary’s brother.

“Mary was about to start her Ph.D. with four children,” said Mary Sisk’s sister Katie. He said he met the boy Coulson The day of his funeral.

According to lawyers, Mason Sisk He had stolen a gun from his grandmother’s house before the murder.

“Mason doesn’t care about being accused of murdering his family” His juvenile probation officer wrote in a November 2020 report. “He did not show any signs of remorse. While he was detained, he did not speak about his family.

Now, after the sentencing, his lawyer Shay Golden said His client was disappointed: “It’s difficult, he has emotions in his own way and there’s really no one to help him… We hope to get a firm appeal,” he said.


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