Accommodation Covered: Faculty of Cs. Physics and mathematics open up space for people with neurological differences

Accommodation Covered: Faculty of Cs.  Physics and mathematics open up space for people with neurological differences

An inclusive shelter designed for the neurodivergent population was established in the library. Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (FCFM) of Concepcion University. About Infinite spaceA space with furniture, objects and special lighting and strives to be an environment conducive to calm and emotional relaxation.

He Rector of Concepcion UniversityDr. Carlos Saavetra RubilerEmphasizes organizational commitment Addition And this Diversity Located at the House of Studies, we salute the sensitivity of FCFM officials in identifying the needs of the university community and creating solutions.

“Diversity enriches the organization, and the idea of ​​providing training opportunities to all those with the appropriate skills, regardless of different conditions, is something we are committed to,” he revealed.

The project, Rector Saavetra added, “marks the path that all academic units of our university must follow to create spaces for focus and inclusion.”

The Library Director, Karen Zara MaricichIt noted that this new location allows the network to go “one step further” in terms of adding libraries.

“Having spaces with these characteristics allows any student in a library to adapt something, which allows them to access the content, reading and reading space in all libraries. In this case we go one step further, which corresponds to inclusion and above all, we all feel comfortable. We are getting space,” explained the Director of UdeC Libraries.

Inauguration of Espacio Infinito at FCFM | Credit: Esteban Paredes Drake, Department of Communications

He Dean of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical SciencesDr. Roberto Riquelme SepulvedaEmphasizing the need to open spaces to all, he said, “We owe it to society” and that this project allows us to make a positive contribution to it.

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“I think it needs to be replicated because infinity is the sum of the parts and the university has to accommodate all people,” explained the dean, who left his post this week, whose position was filled by Dr. Louis Roe ApligerIt participated in the opening ceremony.

The attempt to implement infinite space arose after a diagnostic process led by a psychologist from the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Italy Aguila Moreno.

I worked for a semester which involved student society, student representatives, administrative staff, secretaries, playing a very important role and raising the problems and needs of the student society. There is, academic staff, etc.,” opined the expert.

This process culminated in planning activities to respond to identified needs, including creating a space where the faculty’s neuroscience population could be seen.

“When there is a social problem like the invisibility of certain populations, minorities, not in the sense of numbers, but in the sense of power, one of the things we need to start with is visibility. Let the world know it exists. We need to build an inclusive society that values ​​diversity, and initiatives like this at the university level and other We need to set precedents to reflect in events as well,” said the psychologist.


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