Alex Contreras: Economy Minister Profile, Successes and Failures

Alex Contreras: Economy Minister Profile, Successes and Failures
Alex Contreras recently noted that his administration is increasingly concerned about climate events. (Andean)

Ten months have passed Alex Contreras has assumed the most important portfolio in the country. On December 10, 2022, three days after Tina Poluarte ascended to the presidency of Peru, Zalhuanquina pledged to serve in the position, until then, held by Kurt Burnio: Head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).. To date, the latest report comes days after the end of his first ten months in office Datum Contreras promises to maintain a disapproval rating of 64%, making him the highest disapproval of public opinion during his tenure as an official.

In such a situation, in Infobae Peru We spoke to a university professor from PUCP, Flavio Auzzo was an economist, particularly an expert in public policy. He started pouring spears into current national events, but he gave us a different look and a new way to interpret the work Contreras has done.

Archive the photo. Peru’s President Tina Polwarte, who ousted her predecessor Pedro Castillo, greets Alex Contreras, Peru’s new Minister of Economy and Finance, December 10, 2022, in Lima, Peru. REUTERS/Sebastian Castaneda

Contreras’ start as head of the MEF was far from a comfortable and ambitious promotion: the environment was hostile and uncertain. Peru showed a citizenry overwhelmed and upset by the political crisis, which gave signs of an eruption. Social conflicts Later on. Also, 2023 is not a quiet year to implement your own initiatives; El Nino phenomenon It has forced the administration’s various portfolios to redirect much of their efforts to prevention and recovery from its effects. In that sense, it cannot be denied that there was a desire to assume responsibility for a position of great importance in the economic development of the country.

“A professional who considers the MEF to be the one who decides what happens to the country. It is a powerful position that influences the public’s perceptions of what is happening in the market, investment and government,” Auzo said.

For the author, Contreras’ acceptance of the post can be explained in two ways: Ignorance or ambition. “I think this is one of those two reasons. Although it is unlikely to be the first. Yes, the context is very important and should be in the analysis, but as an economist one does not reject the most important ministerial post of the country for 30 years. This is a unique opportunity“, he pointed out.

Drought in the south and torrential rains in the north: Contreras faces El Niño phenomena. (EFE/Luis Cantarillas)

“In a government without representation, without reforms, without initiatives, without innovation, without concern for the welfare of the people; That said, Contreras was one of the few who fared relatively well in a normal government. It’s weird to define like this because we’re not healthy, but it’s weathered the ups and downs of the storm we live in. Peru is like a patient whose oxygen pump is activated by Contreras; One survives, but one never knows if the future holds another destiny.“, the author pointed out.

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Ausejo understands Peru’s ills not as a large economic problem, but as a problem of execution. In that sense, he asserts, people like ex-ministers of “interfering” nature Pedro Francke about Curt Borneo They are positive because wisdom reduces investor uncertainty. In his comments, Contreras seems to have common sense and good intentions to create positive changes in the country.

Ausejo: “His attitude toward public opinion does not indicate indifference or impotence.” (Andean)

Part of the citizen dissatisfaction with the head of the MEF, in addition to the apparent current situation, is that he appears to have a certain indifference. Former ministers David Dusta and Alonso Segura have already criticized the official A false positive is when the numbers do not correspond to such reality. However, Ausejo differs: “Critics should see the glass as half empty, because they critics and authorities should see it as half full, so as not to scare investors or create confusion among the population, but they are actually looking at the same glass.”

He added that he did not believe Contreras’ positionAs accurate as it may seem, Whether it is the product of carelessness or innocence. According to the expert, it’s from someone who knows it’s them Defined by your context: Who is a President? Not leadingWho is the Premier Alberto Otárola? No interest in development and a political agenda Commanded by de facto groups of illegal economies.

“Right now, if one senses the economic signals, they seem to be doing less, well. Congress doesn’t have the ability to economically explain what it’s planning, and if it did, it would block it.; I think he does things without prejudicing public opinion. That is why dissatisfaction is understandable, since the citizen does not recognize that the officer is carrying out actions, he only perceives them from his services. It may pay off in the long run. Let it act without arousing the interest of the legislative branch,” he said.

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to Ausjo, Economic Ministers are appointed by Congress. With no room for management or flexibility to work, they have to bear a burden that, as he declared, is “worse than the climate events”. He recalled proposals such as Franke’s tax reform, which may or may not have been a good idea, but were practically impossible because it was not going to be approved by the powers-that-be. “It’s okay for him to present himself like this. What is expected? Let him say we are wrong? This is irresponsible and not typical of an officer. It allows you to get carried away by emotions and people are not interested in it. He does not need to explain to us how we walk; We want to know what you do to face a bad moment”, he noted.

Ausejo: “Congress is worse than El Niño.” (Europe Press/Carlos Garcia Granton)

Osjo demands Contreras, even though he acknowledges his stance in front of the press has sparked citizen outrage. The ability to broaden your horizonsthink differently”. He opined that the macroeconomic backbone to combat this crisis is therefore wrong for the MEF to abdicate itself from the responsibility of maintaining a minimum level of stability.

“The Contras talk about budget allocation. It’s not as easy as handing out money; Make sure it is well invested. In that sense, I don’t think MEF is aggressive or insightful enough. Now Contreras is a “harmonious” minister, which is deserved in this context, but he should propose initiatives to improve various sectors and improve national production. Something that goes from being “fit” to being good. For example, the Emergency Council for all things strategic executions against El Niño. There are mechanisms for issuing emergency orders; “He didn’t do it.”

According to Ausejo, the officer Characterized by managing to maintain a low or reasonable level. It is true that the excessive flight of capital did not occur during his administration as before; However, investors are not seeing the conditions for a return. Contreras has managed to calm the international market and investors, although he says that doesn’t mean we’re back on the path to growth.

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Likewise, the author recalls that Peru has places to implement initiatives, but only if they are feasible. They do not clash with real power groups. “I hope I can expand your vision. At the end of Boluarte’s mandate, create initiatives in areas where progress can be seen. Finally, El Niño is coming to an end And let’s get into the reconstruction process, but Congress will continue Until 2026 and even longer. Although it is conditional, it should look for places in the manufacturing sector where it can generate growth. This is not understood in Peru: A developing nation is one that not only develops economically, but uses this growth to improve its industry and the welfare of its people.”, he concluded.


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