ANA to buy 239 river cleaning machines | Event Child | Drought rain | Peru

ANA to buy 239 river cleaning machines |  Event Child |  Drought  rain |  Peru

The National Water Commission (ANA), attached to the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI), will be responsible for several river cleaning sites in areas declared under emergency due to the imminent arrival. boy Universal.

The Commission has a budget of S/ 975 million that will be used for three purposes. First, cleaning the channels; Second, acquisition of machinery and third, maintenance of valleys.

Of the total, S/ 518 million will be allocated to remedial works in the areas of Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Lima, Ica and Áncash, explained ANA’s General Manager William Cuba. The work should be completed by mid-November.

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As for Cuba, Peru is not buying new Heavy machinery Since the El Nino event of 1998. This time, 239 heavy machinery will be procured and the procurement is scheduled for the third week of September. Prior to this, the mechanics will be trained.

Finally, 22 streams are presented: 21 located in the province of Lima, between Chosica, Santa Eulalia and Cieneguilla. These works will be done for 45 days.

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Attention to drought in southern Peru

An ANA official also pointed out in a conversation with RPP ANA has requested a budget of S/ 11.5 million from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. With what purpose?

“We need to address the drought in the south. We were thinking of resorting to 7 meter deep open wells until we reach the water table, but we are also looking at the legal area. Tube wells, which will allow people to consume water. Today this engineering is approved for private companies, some legal changes have to be made”, he explained.

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Total, 245 tube wells, fDone.

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