Anesthesiology residents: Challenges of practicing professionals with the latest technology

Anesthesiology residents: Challenges of practicing professionals with the latest technology

The training process of each doctor is difficult and long, and they have to complement their university studies with a special process, which often doubles the efforts and learning process of specialists. Accomplished doctors go to different educational locations, both practical and theoretical, to obtain their degree.

In the case of anesthesiology, a dual institution is addedr, which together with the learning of future professionals guarantees. Adaarc is an association that brings together anesthesiologists and residents in their training within hospital institutions.

The association has a training program in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Province of Córdoba, National University of Córdoba and Catholic University, which seeks to guarantee quality service to all Córdoba residents. To enter the specialty, a doctor must meet certain requirements such as a bachelor’s degree, an average of more than 7 points and an age limit of up to 35 years.

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In turn, assessment, interviews and application analysis are carried out to ensure the selection of professionals dedicated to health. The allocation of entrants is assessed and agreed annually with the Ministry of Health.Covering vacancies and hospital requirements in Córdoba, An average of 100 registrants per year is calculated and the income of the top 15 residents is calculated.

Upon entry into residency, different developmental goals are established through training such as monthly clinical cases and final evaluations and presentation of scientific works. Within the federation, the procedures are carried out through unique high-tech simulators in the province, where professionals can clear their doubts and gain more confidence in their performance in the operating room..

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so, The specialty of anesthesiology is presented as a challenge for social commitment and constant and sustainable training over time of new professionals who are active in this medical branch. The resident becomes a professional who aims to guarantee patient well-being and safe practices based on knowledge, empathy, innovation, quality and improvement.

Adaarc seeks to guarantee excellence in anesthesiology for all Cordobas That is why, in collaboration with the government, they train anesthesiologists annually with high-quality technology and efficiency that guarantee the safety and quality of medical care.


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