Argentina | Elections 2023 | Election results in Argentina | the world

Argentina |  Elections 2023 |  Election results in Argentina |  the world

Javier Miley He is set to take office as Argentina’s new president on December 10. The official candidate for the presidency Argentina, Sergio MassaHe conceded defeat in this Sunday’s runoff, which gave victory to his rival, the leader of La Libertad Avanza. “The results were not what we expected. I contacted Javier Milei and congratulated him because he is the president elected by the majority of Argentines for the next four years,” Massa said before supporters gathered at the doors of the official “bunker” in the Argentine capital.

Meera: Live | Javier Mille is sworn in as Argentina’s new president, defeating Peronist Sergio Massa.

MassaHe admitted his defeat before the first official data on the provisional count was known, he said He proposed to Millay and Argentine President Alberto Fernández that “tomorrow” the beginning of “communication and transition” mechanisms. For the next 19 days, Argentines will have no doubt or uncertainty about normal economic, social, political and institutional activities for a democratic transition.

The minister mentioned “Starting tomorrow, it will be the responsibility of the new president-elect to send assurances about Argentina’s political, social and economic activities, the task of providing certainty.” We hope he will.

Sergio Massa addresses his followers in Buenos Aires. (EFE/Matias Martin Campaya).

“A phase in my political career ends today. Of course life will bring me other tasks and responsibilities. But know that you will always count on me to defend the core values ​​of jobs, public education, national industry, and federalism. Argentina”, he promised.

Massa expressed his gratitude to those who participated in the organization of the election day. To those who voted and supported him during the campaign and his family in extreme militancy.

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He highlighted “Transparency” He pointed out that elections were held with It has been a “very long, hard and grueling” campaign. “After forty years of democracy, I believe Argentina will leave forever.”

“This event confirms that Argentina has a strong, stable, transparent democratic system that always respects the results.” He insisted.

He reaffirmed his views on defending the role of the state in matters of security, education and health, industry and workers, but recognized that Argentines had “chosen a different path”.

Finally Argentina “needs state policy agreements,” Massa saidThe education system, the labor system, the human rights system guarantees, the system of Argentina’s international relations should be agreements with the world, through which the country will pass in the next ten years.

With 94.70% counted, Milei received 55.79% support (13,864,555 votes) and Massa 44.20% (10,983,642 votes).


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