Career Training for Employment in 5G Technology: 3 Absolutely Free Courses

Career Training for Employment in 5G Technology: 3 Absolutely Free Courses

This projectCareer training for employment in 5G technology‘, the professional vision of many is revolutionary. You will be advised to do this Vodafone Spain and for training experience Integrate knowledge and innovation. For these courses, 100% subsidy SEPE and Junta Andalusia And, it is aimed at both people Workers and unemployed From Andalusia. Once you complete it, you will be able to become a leader in programming and develop skills that are in high demand in the job market in just 8 weeks.

Requirements and locations for conducting these training courses in 5G technology

Those looking to take these technical courses should know that once you pass, you pass Receive a diploma recognized by the Andalusian government and ministry. Points for carrying out these training activities will be distributed in the following municipalities of Andalusia: Huelva, Málaga, Seville, Villacarrillo (Jaén) and Algeciras (Cádiz).

Los Access requirements For these technical courses in Andalucia, you must have a bachelor’s degree, higher level apprenticeship, professional certificate, level 3 or graduate or master’s degree. In addition, you must have sufficient skills as a user of the virtual platform where the training activity is carried out.

What courses are there?

This training offers 3 specialties of 150 hours duration and through hybrid training (80% online and 20% in-person training, ie, 120 hours of teletraining) Courses offered are as follows:

  • Programming for IOT and Smart City solutions applicable to 5G environments
    • Security and 5G Technology (35 Hours).
    • Introduction to IOT, Smart City and Artificial Intelligence (15 Hours).
    • Development Languages: C++ (25 hours).
    • Artificial Intelligence (25 Hours).
    • IoT (Internet of Things) y Smart City (50 Hours).
  • Programming in artificial intelligence and big data are applicable in 5G environments
    • Security and 5G Technology (35 Hours).
    • Development Languages-Java (30 Hours).
    • BI Development Program: Data Analysis and Exploitation (25 hours).
    • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Project (60 hours).
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality programming are applicable in 5G environments
    • Security and 5G Technology (35 Hours).
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality Projects (15 Hours).
    • 3D Contents with Autodesk MAYA (20 hours).
    • Introduction to Unity 3D and Programming with C# in Unity (50 hours).
    • Design of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Applications (30 Hrs).
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Professional opportunities tailored to courses taken in the 5G environment

After completing the above courses, you will be able to work in one of the following Professional occupations In 5G environments:

  • Intelligentsia is artificial
    • Technical advice.
    • A leader in artificial intelligence.
    • Machine learning.
    • artificial vision.
  • IOT
    • IoT project consultant.
    • Management of IoT based products and services.
    • Entrepreneurship of IoT companies.
    • IOT Developer.
  • Virtual reality
    • Digital effects and post-production editor.
    • 3D product designer.
    • 3D animation.
    • Digital Illustrator.
    • Expert in simulation of virtual reality environments.

How to register for these technical courses

To register and claim a place, you must enter the page “5G Training” website. Remember the importance of fulfilling needs. When you’re inside, you’ll see a red form at the bottom where you’ll need to fill in your personal information and wait to be called.

If you have more questions about that or anything, I’ll shoot you an email [email protected] Or from a phone you can view on the Internet. To know more free courses you can take, visit the section Creation of Andalusia.


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