Christian Dominguez responds to Angelo Fugui and clarifies his departure from ‘Gran Orquesta’: “He’s fired”

Christian Dominguez responds to Angelo Fugui and clarifies his departure from ‘Gran Orquesta’: “He’s fired”
Christian Dominguez responds to Angelo Fugui and clarifies his exit from ‘Gran Orquesta’: “He’s fired.” | Network light

The relationship between Angelo Fugui Y Christian Dominguez, who were once close friends while working together in the ‘Grand Orchestra’ have suffered a marked decline. In a recent interview with the channel YouTube ‘Stuck On’Cumbiambero revealed details of his former partner’s departure.

As recalled, in November 2020, Fukui announced his retirement from the Kumbya group, which caused great surprise in the music world. At that time, the singer assured that his departure was prompted by a series of scandals, which obscured the musical center of the group and created a stable environment for him.

However today, Christian Dominguez presents a different version of events. According to him, his former friend’s departure was due to contractual violations. According to the ‘Préndete’ group, because of these violations, a notarized letter was sent to Fukui stating that it should be handled legally and professionally, with no room for informality or poor performance.

Angelo Fugui reveals why he drifted away from Cristian Dominguez and abruptly left The Great International Orchestra.

“Here it is customary to say ‘great orchestra.’ Angelo Fugui “He did not comply with the contract and that is why he was fired and a notarized letter was sent to him,” he noted. ‘Tucked In’ Compared to Christian DominguezGets an affirmative response from Gambiambero.

Cristian Dominguez supported the statement, highlighting the need to proceed according to the law. “Well yes, he said in a way… the thing is, that’s the right way, we can go ahead and fire a person, these are legal issues, I can’t get involved there… we had to go ahead. It works,” he asserted.

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Angelo Fugui He talked at one point about leaving ‘The Great Orchestra’It states that he decided to leave the board for family reasons as he did not agree with the company’s management who wanted to force him to give presentations amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

“An action has a reaction. In October 2020 I received a letter informing me, I reply. “They know I can’t participate in online shows because I live with vulnerable people, my old angels, but they don’t care, they sent me that letter,” He said.

Angelo Fugui can reconcile with Christian Dominguez.

Likewise, he decided to form his own cumbia group, with former singers ‘The Great Orchestra’Something Cristian Dominguez didn’t like, because he was without singers, so he had to recruit new members in the midst of a national health emergency.

Angelo Fugui Y Jonathan Rojas They are the singers who left Christian Dominguez’s ‘Gran Orquesta International’ firmly. The duo indicated that they were over-exploited in the group because not only did they have to operate in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, but they also took a pay cut, accusing their leader of focusing on his food business and not the band.

Cristian Dominguez mentioned this controversy on one occasion, during an interview with Sergio Jorge, where he expressed his feelings. “I know what it’s like to invest in someone and they leave, or they pay you badly,” he says, clearly referring to his former colleagues.

Angelo Fugui talks about being away from Christian Dominguez.


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