Dina Boluarte: Congress approves trip to China to meet Xi Jinping

Dina Boluarte: Congress approves trip to China to meet Xi Jinping

He Congress General CommitteeIt was approved on Wednesday with 71 votes in favor, 6 abstentions and 41 against. Dina Boluarte travels to China To meet Xi Jinping from that country.

The debate in parliament continued after Foreign Minister Javier González Olaechea defended the reasons for the trip to the Asian continent, in which he insisted that the president’s visit was not acceptable. I mean, she only has to go, because that’s about it
“Highest” attendance.

President In Boluarte From June 23 to 30, will leave the national territory, accepting an official invitation from the government, with the intention of making an official visit to China. Xi Jinping.

The President will hold a bilateral meeting with the Chinese President in Beijing. In addition to other activities in the cities of Shenzhen and Shanghai.

The draft legislative resolution emphasized the importance of the visit, as they promise to strengthen bilateral relations with the aforementioned Asian country, currently Peru’s main trading partner.

Tina Polwarte left the country for the last time between November 15 and 17 Participating in the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in the US.

The Rejection of Tina Polwart

81.2% of those surveyed think that the president Dina Boluarte wants to end her administration “as soon as possible”, That’s compared to 15.7% who think he should remain president until 2026, according to a survey carried out by CPI and presented exclusively at RPP.

By region, 88.3% within the country believe that “Given the stability and development of the country, do you say that President Tina Bolvarde should continue as president until 2026 or that she should end her term earlier?” It should end as soon as possible, while in Lima and Gallo the figure is 69.2%.

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The CPI survey found that 88.2% disapproved of President Tina Polwart’s administration’s performance so far, while 8.1% approved and 3.7% disagreed. Disapproval is slightly higher in the interior of the country with 89.8%, 85.6% disapprove in Lima and Callao.


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