Due to unusual waves they close the route of the Costa Verde del Gallo: until when? | Peru

Due to unusual waves they close the route of the Costa Verde del Gallo: until when?  |  Peru

Officers Peruvian Navy And Municipality of Kalaw It was reported that Costa Verde Santa Rosa will be closed for several days from the descent to the exit to Suquito. Abnormal waves On the beach

Larry Lynch, Assistant Civil Defense Manager of the Municipality of Kalaw explained. Abnormal swelling It throws stones towards the high-traffic runway from Suchito to Chorrillos.

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“Hence, the road from Sucito to Santa Rosa is closed until Sunday (July 9) as a precautionary measure to avoid traffic accidents. We are constantly keeping calm to prevent cyclists or pedestrians from running through this area, they should do it the other way to avoid personal accident due to the impact of these stones.”, Channel in detail in my interview.

When will the situation improve?

Lt. Gonzalo Aguerto, Head of the Meteorological Section of the MGP Hydrography and Navigation Directorate, Sea conditions will improve from Sunday onwards.

Provides for special notification conditions in force (in Abnormal waves) starts decreasing from Saturday and we are expected to be back to normal by Sunday”.

However, he mentioned this A “new train of waves” is likely to be delivered from Tuesday.

Why do they come so often? Since they are waves that form in the South Pacific, more or less in front of Chile, when we are in an (opposite) swell, a train of other waves is already traveling, and for this reason prevails. A Sequel”.

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However, the expert explained swelling This type is typical every year, “At the beginning of the year between January and February the most intense waves came from the North Pacific, as well as in the autumn months. On a statistical level we have been able to verify that over the years.” Madness boy These settings can be made a little more intensive”.

For his part, Larry Lynch, Assistant Manager of Civil Defense Municipality of KalawIn accordance with the announcements of the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN), it has been decided to close the passage due to safety and prevention concerns at that location. Costa Verde From Callao Yesterday to Sunday 9.

How big are the waves?

Lt. Aguerto pointed out that we are with one this time Moderate swellingThis means that the waves are given twice their normal state.

“He El Nino phenomenon May have an indirect effect. It is true that the increase in temperature along the coast of Peru, which has been going on for months, has caused an anomaly in the sea level, even if it is centimeters, but that anomaly also has an impact and there may be waves. felt a little more”, Added.


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