Earthquake in Mexico Today, May 26: Exact Time, Magnitude and Epicenter via SSN | National Seismic Service | composition

Earthquake in Mexico Today, May 26: Exact Time, Magnitude and Epicenter via SSN |  National Seismic Service |  composition

According to studies , Mexico It records 90 tremors of magnitude greater than 4 on the Richter scale in states located near the Pacific Ring of Fire, equivalent to 60% of earthquakes worldwide. In that context, I am giving you the latest real-time reports on earthquakes in the North American country as it is considered a country with high seismic activity. Mexico City (CDMX), Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Baja California, Colima, Jalisco, MichoacánAmong other nerve points of Mexican territory.

Be sure to always consult the preventive measures provided by the President’s government from official sources. Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), as well as other competent authorities should be prepared for a possible seismic event. One thing you should always remember is to stay calm during a seismic episode and pass on peace of mind to your friends, family or loved ones. Preparing an emergency bag with food, clothing and a first aid kit can make a difference in your survival.

Tremors in Mexico today, Sunday, May 26, via SSN

See the National Seismological Service’s (SSN) updated report on the latest earthquakes recorded today in Mexico here. Sunday, May 26, 2024With perfect timing, size, depth and center.

Prepare, Protect, and Act: The Complete Guide to Earthquake Coping in Mexico

Earthquakes are unpredictable events that can create dangerous situations. It is important to be prepared and act calmly to protect yourself and your loved ones and minimize damage. Preparation and timely action are important to safely face an earthquake. Share this information with your family and friends to build a community that is prepared for natural disasters:

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Before the earthquake:

  • Strengthen your home: Periodically review your home’s structure to identify potential hazards. Install security locks, secure cabinets and shelves, and store fragile items in safe places.
  • Have a plan: Set up a safe meeting center for your family and implement safety measures. Defines a family member as a contact in an emergency.
  • Prepare to act: Keep a first aid kit, flashlight, battery operated radio and non-perishable food on hand. Find emergency numbers and teach your family how to turn off the gas, electric and water mains.

During an earthquake:

  • be quiet: Panic can be your worst enemy. Take a deep breath and relax.
  • Find accommodation: Stay away from windows, mirrors and falling objects. Protect your head and neck with your hands and position yourself under a sturdy table or a door frame.
  • Avoid Risks: Do not use the elevator during an earthquake, choose the stairs instead. If you’re outdoors, stay away from power poles, power lines, and collapsing structures.
  • Do not run: Never leave a moving building. Wait for the earthquake to stop completely.

After the earthquake:

  • Assess the situation: Check for injuries and administer first aid if necessary. Call emergency services if professional medical attention is needed.
  • Check your home: Check your home for structural damage. Turn off gas, water and electricity pipes if you find any leaks or malfunctions.
  • Do not ignite: Avoid using candles, matches or any other element that could cause a fire.
  • Stay informed: Tune in to the radio for official information and updates on the situation.
  • Use your phone responsibly: Don’t overwhelm phone lines with unnecessary calls. Give priority to urgent communications.
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Tremors in Mexico: What should be in an emergency bag, according to the National Seismic Service?


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