Estrella Torres Responds to Carla Tarazona: “I’m Not a Pimp, I’m Not Into Anyone’s Life” Entertainment | programs

Estrella Torres Responds to Carla Tarazona: “I’m Not a Pimp, I’m Not Into Anyone’s Life” Entertainment |  programs

Singer Star towers After that he said that he does not interfere in anyone’s life Carla Tarazona He confirmed that he “only has the face of a good person, and there’s something else as a person” and Noci pointed out that he was “purchasing” Cristian Dominguez and La Chapelita.

I refer to myself as not being involved in other people’s lives. I’m not, I’m not going to talk about anyone. I have good memories of the Pro Sentimento team because friendships are really made, just like in Sabela”, pointed out the cumbia singer.

TROME | Estrella Torres blocks Carla Tarazona (Video: Milagros Casas)

It didn’t bother you that they called you a pimp, and besides, you never hid your friendship with Chapelita.

Always why I have done nothing wrong and am not helping anyone I’m not ‘pimped’ because I take care of my life. I don’t need to talk about other people, I don’t have time.

Are you still friends with Isabel and in touch with her?

Yes definitely. I always wish the best for her and I find her to be a very beautiful woman inside and out.

Estrella Torres and her boyfriend Kevin Salas are more in love than ever. (Photo: Drome)

The star is married to Kevin Salas

On the other hand, she commented that her wedding to Kevin Salas is on Saturday, September 9.

I’m going to become a girl (Laughs), but I am very happy and excited because we are going to take this next important step as God sent.One,” Starr said.

Are you ready for the wedding…

Some details are missing, but the truth is that we are excited and nervous, because we don’t think that arranging a wedding is a bit complicated, but we are happy.

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Are you a serious or relaxed lover?

Actually, I am a quiet girlfriend, but there are times when I am serious. The good thing is that I have a great man by my side (her boyfriend Kevin Salas) helping me through everything.

By the way, there were rumors that you are pregnant.

Nothing, we have no plans to be parents at the moment.

And there are new projects in music.

Something new is coming in music that will surprise you because you will not imagine me in that aspect, you will find out.

But you keep on cumbia.

Of course, I will never leave Cumbia, it interests me, I travel all over Peru, but I think that this time I am going to focus on another type of public.

On the other hand, Estrella Torres joined the call for a telethon this September 8 and 9 in support of the San Juan de Dios Hogar Clinic.

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