European Elections 2024 in France | Emmanuel Macron calls early legislative elections after far-right victory | National Committee | RN | Marine Le Pen European Room | European Parliament | the world

European Elections 2024 in France |  Emmanuel Macron calls early legislative elections after far-right victory |  National Committee |  RN |  Marine Le Pen European Room |  European Parliament |  the world

French President Emmanuel MacronEarly assembly elections will be held this Sunday France, the far-right National Rally Party (RN) won nearly a third of the vote in its country’s European Parliament elections. “In a few minutes I will sign the decree for parliamentary elections, the first round of which will be held on June 30 and the second on July 7,” Macron said in a televised message an hour after the vote. stations.

French far-right candidate Jordan BartellaThe 28-year-old received 31.5% and 32.4% of the vote, followed by the ruling party’s Valérie Hayer (15.2%) and Socialist Raphaël Glucksmann (14% to 14.3%), according to polling agencies Ibop and Ipsos.

See: European elections 2024: France’s far-right doubles Macronist list, according to exit polls

“A wind of hope blew in France this afternoon and it has only just begun,” Bartella celebrated in front of his supporters.He had requested the President to be dissolved National Assembly (French Lower House) and early elections.

Emmanuel Macron is the weakest president tonight because of this “overwhelming defeat”. The far-right candidate said he “cannot be deaf to the message” sent with the results. “This unprecedented failure marks the end of a cycle,” he said.

National Rally leader Jordan Bartella delivers a speech on June 9, 2024, after the first results of the European elections in France.  (EFE/EPA/ANDRE PAIN).

National Rally leader Jordan Bartella delivers a speech on June 9, 2024, after the first results of the European elections in France. (EFE/EPA/ANDRE PAIN).

/ Andre pain

The outcome of the European elections was “not a good result for pro-European parties”, “Rise Nationalists and Deliberators “This is dangerous for our nation,” he warned. MacronHe decided to return the word to the “sovereign people”.

success Bartella It was a severe setback Macron And to your Prime Minister Gabriel AtalAccording to the French president, they are widely involved in the final part of the campaign aimed at stopping the far-right, which can “block” the European Union.

The result of the RN, one of the best in its history, confirms the efforts of its president, Marine Le Pen, to present a more moderate image to the formation. He inherited it from his father in 2018 Jean-Marie Le PenKnown for racist and anti-Semitic comments.

That could boost his chances in the 2027 presidential election. In 2022, Macron defeated Marine Le Pen in the second round of this election with 58.54% of the vote. He defeated his rival with 66.1% of the vote, almost eight points less than in 2017.

But the French president will not be able to run in 2027, months after his re-election in 2022. It lost its absolute majority in the assembly elections and the RN became the first opposition party in the lower house.

Results of the national committee in France.  (AFP).

Results of the National Committee in France. (AFP).

“Macronism is over”

In the context of the rise of the far right European unionThe successor party to the Front National (FN) was re-elected head of its list BartellaHis careful image and biography seem to break down the history of his creation.

Bartella was born into an Italian family. and grew up under the care of his mother in a social housing tower in the suburbs of Paris. In 2021, he became president RNAlthough the real leader Marine Le Pen.

The commitment to this carefully-figured young man convinced the French from the beginning, and according to the polls, he won 33% of the votes for weeks. Their program was a traditional far-right one against “mass immigration” and the “disintegration of France”.

Beyond the lists led by Bartella, Heyer and Glucksmann, the only other parties likely to achieve representation in the European Parliament for the EU’s second-largest economy are La Francia Insumisa (far left, 8.3% to 8.7%) and Los Republicanos. (LR, right, 7% to 7.2%), according to estimates.

Win again! (Extreme Right) and EELV’s environmentalists at 5%, the threshold for gaining electoral representation. The summation of RN and ¡Reconquista! That means the far right has 40% of the vote in France.

“We can see that Macronism is over,” celebrated Eric Ciotti, head of the LR, whose traditional right-wing party supported Macron’s key laws, such as immigration reform or a delay in the retirement age.

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