Everest is not the only highest mountain on earth, there is a mountain in America that surpasses it by almost 1,500 m | Mute Key | South America | Latin America | Highest mountains in the world | Himalaya | Aconcagua | Huascaran | USA | Hawaii | the world

Everest is not the only highest mountain on earth, there is a mountain in America that surpasses it by almost 1,500 m |  Mute Key |  South America |  Latin America |  Highest mountains in the world |  Himalaya |  Aconcagua |  Huascaran |  USA |  Hawaii |  the world

There is another American mountain that ranks second behind Everest. Photo: Pyrenean Crossing

For decades the consensus has been that Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth. With its impressiveness 8.848 metros Above sea level, it has become the ultimate symbol of majesty and challenge for mountaineers around the world. However, one mountain in America challenges this traditional sense of elevation.

This great American monument, though only its top rises 4,205 meters above sea level, whose underwater base is Earth’s tallest mountain. Measured from its origin at the sea floor to its summit, the monument reaches a total height of 10,205 meters and surpasses Everest by almost 2,000 meters. This fact invites us to rethink our understanding of what constitutes the highest mountain on the planet.

This largest mountain is located in a country in America. Photo: Lonely Planet

Which is the tallest mountain in the world surpassing Everest?

Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano located in Hawaii, USA, truly holds the title of the highest mountain in the world. When measured from its base. Although its summit is 4,205 meters above sea level, its actual height is white mountain As revealed when considering their underwater base.

This mountain rises from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean A total of 10,205 meters. This geological phenomenon, the result of the accumulation of volcanic and volcanic activity over millions of years, is redefining our perception of mountain heights.

Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world when measured from its base. Photo: Expedia

Why does Everest still hold the Guinness World Record?

Despite Mauna Kea’s towering height, Everest retains its Guinness World Record status due to the internationally used measurement convention. Measured from sea level Everest, its highest point is 8,848 meters. This uniform scale allows direct comparisons between the world’s various mountains, tying Everest as the highest point on the planet when measured from sea level.

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He Everest It is recognized for its height, but also for the iconic and challenging climb it represents. Every year, hundreds of climbers attempt to conquer its summit, and facing extreme conditions and significant risks, it retains its value and relevance in the mountaineering community around the world.

What are the other largest mountains on the planet?

Besides Everest and Mauna Kea, there are other notable mountains in the world that stand out for their height and majesty. In Africa, Kilimanjaro is the highest peak at 5,895 meters. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in South America reaching 6,960 meters. In North America, Denali stands out with its 6,190 meters.

The difference between Mount Everest, Kilimanjaro and Mauna Kea. Photo: GeologyIn

Chimborazo in Ecuador deserves special mention. Although its height is 6,263 meters above sea level, its location near the Earth’s equator means that its summit is the farthest point from the Earth’s center. Surpassed Everest In this aspect due to equatorial bulge.

Height difference between Everest, Mauna Kea and Mount Olympus. Photo: Flashes

  1. Monte Everest: At 8,848 meters, it is the highest mountain in the world. It is located in the Himalayas, bordering China and Nepal.
  2. K2: It is the second highest mountain in the world with a height of 8,611 meters. It is located in the Karakoram mountain range in Asia.
  3. Kanchanjunga: With a height of 8,586 meters, it is the third highest mountain in the world. It is located in Nepal.
  4. Lotsey: At 8,516 meters, it is the fourth highest mountain in the world. It is located on the border of China and Nepal near Mount Everest in the Himalayan mountain range.
  5. Labels: It is the fifth highest mountain in the world, reaching a height of 8,463 meters. It is located in the Himalayan mountain range near Everest.
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Can you see the Milky Way from Mauna Kea?

Yes, from above white mountain The Milky Way can be observed with astonishing clarity. This place is considered one of the best in the world of astronomy due to its clear skies and low light pollution. The high altitude and exceptional atmospheric conditions allow for a clear view of the cosmos, drawing astronomers around the world to explore the universe from this vantage point.


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