Gabriela Serba | What he says about his ADD diagnosis and why he thinks he doesn't fit into society | Coffee with Chevez | Video | Showbiz Stories | programs

Gabriela Serba |  What he says about his ADD diagnosis and why he thinks he doesn't fit into society |  Coffee with Chevez |  Video |  Showbiz Stories |  programs

In the interview Drome, 'Coffee with Chevez' by Gabriela Serba A diagnosis of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) was discussed and at times he felt that he did not fit into society due to his condition, and this was evident in 'Magali's House' where he had to live with other artists.

Coffee with Chevez: Gabriela Serba talks about the disorder she suffers from

The JP actress in ATV admitted that she lost concentration during the recordings and that's why she said things.

“I suffer from depression and anxiety and feel like I don't fit in with society. I watched videos on YouTube, felt identified, and went to get a diagnosis.August

Gabriela Serba admits before she's embarrassed to say she has ADD

The model insists that she has been on medication since she was a child and before she was ashamed to say she suffered from ADD, but now she has no problem identifying with it and sharing her experience in campaigns.

“At first I wanted to rule out autism, they told me I don't have autism, but what you have is possible ADD. I went to a psychiatrist, she asked me some questions and tests, she told me I had ADD (…) and she gave me Having a tattoo is embarrassing, but I think many people suffer from it, I'm not ashamed, it's like any other disease,” he said.

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