Gang-rape in PNP: Police chief and 10 officers sexually assaulted non-commissioned officer

Gang-rape in PNP: Police chief and 10 officers sexually assaulted non-commissioned officer

A non-commissioned officer National Police (PNP) is a victim Collective rape At a headquarters Rescue Department of the company. According to a report released this Sunday by The fourth force, The attack took place in January 2023, but was covered up for a year. During that period, the survivor was able to secretly record the perpetrators, who confessed to the crime and confessed to it. Proper procedure.

“Earlier, there were hundreds of rituals to initiate a police officer into something, but I don’t agree. Times have changed. Employers are responsible here,” the former police officer and Congressman told a Sunday newspaper. Alfredo Azurin (Somos Perú), who receives the case and provides support to the victim.

According to the complaint, the attack was carried out in the bedrooms of Rescue Block 01, where the non-commissioned officer was taken by his superior and left alone until a team of about 10 agents entered with sheets and boards. “I told them: ‘Let me go, let me go.’ “I see the non-commissioned officer and I recognize him because he’s the tallest in the group. Everyone screams at him: ‘I’m promoting, I’m not playing,'” he told the court hearing.

“Because he was very tall, he covered me with a blanket. They gave me more blankets, a towel. I was like fighting, they beat me, I don’t understand why. I fell on my back and they started beating me on the floor. They took my pants and “I tried to force myself, I screamed, I did everything,” she added.

The survivor also said that despite pleading and screaming, she received no help. “They took blankets from me and filmed them on cellphones,” he continued. He then decided to tell his colleagues, including a brigadier, major and commander, but his complaint was dismissed. So, he decided to record them secretly.

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“I’m sure nothing happened. They always do the same thing. Many are parents, so their humor has become a crime,” one of the bosses is heard saying. “At one point or another they’re playing off each other. We’ve all been through it. But I don’t react like you do. You come forward to pursue trouble, it’s about avoiding corruption, it’s not malicious, it’s for fun,” says another registered police officer.

Another audio has a plan to climb up to four thousand feet to silence the complaint. The assailants themselves acknowledged the transgression and apologized. “How do we want to fight against insecurity if we have this. […] We are police officers, we are here to serve, not to victimize another person for something ridiculous. A police officer who does not feel safe in a facility should not walk into any police facility,” questioned Asurin.

The victim lodged a complaint at the La Victoria police station and a medical examiner’s assessment confirmed that she had been sexually assaulted. Only two of the officials involved are in detention, while the others remain at their posts. The Lima Police Region He did not comment when asked about the case.

Premier Gustavo Adrianson, the head of the Ministry of the Interior (Mininter), Juan José Santiváñez, the General Commander of the PNP, Víctor Zanabria, and other officials were also recognized with the President. (Photo: President)

Meanwhile, the legislator sought the intervention of the PNP commander, Victor Janabria, and the Minister of the Interior, Juan Jose Santivañez. “Invaders must be killed! They should be in jail already,” the former women minister called. ROSARIO SACHITA.

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As of this writing, the PNP has not issued a statement on the press report, which comes at a time when the agency is facing a crisis of credibility and public trust due to a series of corruption allegations. For example, 100 policemen were arrested for collection till last May Penalty.


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