Gino Arévalo cries and admits to infidelity to his ex-wife Xiomara Dachsel: “I always betrayed her and treated her badly psychologically” | Showbiz | programs

Gino Arévalo cries and admits to infidelity to his ex-wife Xiomara Dachsel: “I always betrayed her and treated her badly psychologically” |  Showbiz |  programs

Gino Arevalo He took to the set of Tilo Fuerte this Wednesday with his character Dacachera to comment on the rumors of infidelity. Pedro Gallese to your wife, Claudia Diaz.

During that time, he also broke down in tears thinking about his betrayal of Xiomara Dachsel, the mother of his daughters. “There are women involved… In my case there was one person…,” he said before breaking off.

Gino Arévalo admits that his divorce process took a toll on him. “It's going to be another two months. It is by mutual agreement, I'm not going to demand that I kill her, hit her, and then harm myself, do something crazy.“I have two wonderful daughters…”Son who moved.

TROME – Gino Arévalo cries and admits to betraying his ex: “I always betrayed her, I treated her psychologically badly”

In that way, he admitted to cheating on his ex-wife. “One thinks that a girl is forever because she will always forgive you until she reaches the limit of not giving anymore. “16 years of hell with my bad head, and when you do that, all misery comes to you.”He commented.

In addition, he admitted that he sees his daughters often, but did not rule out that they and their mother may move to another country in search of a new life.

Gino Aravalo admits to his ex's abusive treatment

“She's already reconsidered, she's already looked at things differently to see that She can't be with someone who always betrays her, always treats her psychologically badly, I agree, I'm totally sorry, “I could not sleep at home, but through prayer I sleep peacefully, sometimes I do not eat, but I know that I will overcome everything.”He finished Gino Arevalo

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