Great Expectation: They create an artifact to search for signs of life in space

Great Expectation: They create an artifact to search for signs of life in space

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) reached an agreement with an international team Para Gear Andes (Armasones High Dispersion Echel Spectrograph), an instrument to be installed on ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). This A powerful spectrographFormerly known as HIRES, It will allow us to look for signs of life on exoplanets, study the first stars, and analyze the fundamental constants of physics and the expansion of the universe..

ANDES, a high-precision spectrometer in the visible and near-infrared ranges, can separate light into different wavelengths to determine the chemical composition of astronomical objects.. Together with the ELT mirror system, ANDES will allow research in various areas of astronomy, according to the University of Cambridge.

This artifact It will be characterized by its ability to conduct detailed studies of the atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets, allowing scientists to thoroughly search for signs of life.. In addition, the instrument can analyze the chemical composition of distant objects in the early universe, making it one of the first instruments to detect the first stars.

Data collected by ANDES will be used to verify whether fundamental constants of physics vary in time and space. These complete observations They will also help us directly measure the acceleration of the universe’s expansion, one of the most important mysteries of the universe..

ESO’s ELT, currently under construction in Chile’s Atacama Desert, will be the world’s largest telescope when completed.. When operational later this decade, the ELT will mark a new era in terrestrial astronomy.

The ANDES project is developed by an international consortium comprising research institutes from 13 countries.Among them Spanish representatives such as the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands (IAC), the Astrophysical Institute of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) and the Madrid Astrobiology Center (CSIC-INTA).

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NASA just unveiled its new spaceship that looks like it’s straight out of Star Wars

Inspired by a concept abandoned by NASA in the ’80s, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser promises to bring us closer to a Star Wars-style ship in full space flight.. With retractable wings and the ability to land on any conventional airport runway, its design revolutionized aerospace engineering.

The aim of this innovative vessel is to offer a reusable design that can be used up to 15 times before being disposed of.. Thanks to this feature, Dream Chaser won a contract with NASA to supply the International Space Station (ISS).

Currently, the spacecraft is undergoing final tests before its maiden voyage into space.. Its mission is to make seven deliveries to the ISS, demonstrating its potential as a renewable alternative to SpaceX’s Dragon cargo shuttle thanks to its ability to traverse the atmosphere and land on runways 3,000 meters long.

Dream Chaser will become the first space plane ever built. right now, Thermal shields are installed to allow the spacecraft to go into space and return to Earth without problems during re-entry into the atmosphere.. If all goes well, we’ll see how far the dream chaser fulfills this particular dream come September.

We are excited to have Dream Chaser at our facility, preparing for its mission to the International Space Station.An engineer in charge of the project added: “This breakthrough represents a significant achievement in the space race, and we are proud to be a part of this new era of exploration.”

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The incredible dream chaser is now on Florida’s Space Coast, ready to take its next big step.. A robotic vehicle built by Sierra Space in Colorado arrived at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) last Saturday for final testing and processing before the first cargo flight to the International Space Station (ISS).


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