Guillermo Rossini attends the 31st anniversary of Los Chistosos and tells endearing stories.

Guillermo Rossini attends the 31st anniversary of Los Chistosos and tells endearing stories.

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funnyThe most popular radio show in Peru continues to celebrate its 31 years and as part of its celebration its founder, the iconic comedian and actor: Guillermo RossiniHe was applauded and applauded by its members and former colleagues Hernan Vidarre, Manolo Rojas Y Giovanna Castro.

In that sense, Guillermo Rossini Remembered the founding moments funny And how in the pre-program RPP I chose jokes that could be told live.

“I named him funny. I was here 54 years ago when there were no cell phones. Before the World Joke Championship, we had to read the jokes sent by letter. Central Mail was there and I had to read everything. A prize of 200 to 300 feet was awarded to the winner. At the end of this year, a special prize was awarded,” he said in an interview on Friday funny.

Similarly, the 91-year-old former announcer recalled a joke about a woman who asked a man for help in killing a turkey. “Oh, sir, the turkey might kill me because I'm nervous. The man says to him, 'You know you want to drink turkey.' Then he orders a pisco sour. He asks for one, and another, and another bottle. The lady says, 'Why do you want turkey?' Not to kill?' Then the man replied, 'Nobody touches my friend (the turkey)'.”

Ernesto Pimentel was one of the guests at Los Chistosos' 31-year celebration. | Source: RPP News

Guillermo Rossini featured members of Los Chistosos

another time, Guillermo Rossini He sent his greetings to those listening funny It premiered on February 14, 1994. “Here we are with Los Sistos turning 31. This is rare for a station that has been celebrating for so many years. 31 years is a world record,” highlighted the comedian.

In the same way, Rossini highlighted Hernan Vidarre, Manolo Rojas Y Giovanna Castro For their work with Los Cistosos.

“My thanks to Hernán Vidarre, Manolo Rojas and Giovanna Castro. They are great followers. They not only imitate but also have the special voice of famous singers. There are few followers who have these conditions,” he said.

Guillermo Rossini congratulated Hernán Vidaurre, Manolo Rojas and Giovanna Castro. | Source: RPP News

Ernesto Pimentel, Amaranta and Mauricio Mezons in Los Chistosos

This Friday, funny They kicked off the show with three special guests: an actor and TV anchor, Ernesto PimentelFolk artist Amaranda and cumbia musician Mauricio Masons.

“Thank you for those 31 years that brought laughter to every corner of Peru. I want to admit something, I could have been one of Los Chistosos. Uncle Rossini was always looking for which child to bring, whom to help and support. In those stories, life has allowed me in those 31 years, I believe I have lived at least 31 times,” he admitted. Ernesto Pimentel.

“A big hug funny During these 31 years. I have had the opportunity to meet them on countless occasions and it is an honor to celebrate those 31 years. Amaranda. “I am very happy to be here. Nice to be with you. 31 years are being celebrated here funny“, said Mauricio MasonsHe inspired her to sing a part of his song 'La Cumbia Linda del Amor'.

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