Historic: China is the first country to display its flag on the far side of the Moon

Historic: China is the first country to display its flag on the far side of the Moon

An unprecedented feat occurred when the Song 6 lunar probe successfully docked with the returner to collect samples from an Earth satellite.

China raised its flag on the far side of the moon. Photo: Reuters

With boom volume First samples of the far side of the Moon Owned by the Chang’e 6 probe, successfully docked with the Orbiter-Returner into lunar orbit, allowing China It is the first country in the world to raise its flag on that part of the satellite.

As reported China National Space AdministrationThe docking maneuver ended at 2:48 p.m. Thursday (local time), while the samples were transferred back to the entry module half an hour later.

The Chang’e 6 Ascent Module is attached to lunar orbit. Video: EFE

After the Ascendant left the far side of the Moon on Tuesday morning and entered lunar orbit, Made four orbital changes. Orbiter-returner, combined, approximately 50 km ahead and 10 km above Gradually approached through short-range autonomous control and seized it with grasping claws.

The next step to follow after Moon-Earth exchange and Orbiter and return module separation It is the latter Land with lunar samples on June 25 at Chisiwang BannerIn the Inner Mongolia province of northern China.

The spaceship left Earth on May 3. The Aitken-South Pole Basin landed last Sunday.

The Chang’e 6 spacecraft was launched on May 3. Video: Reuters.

Will Anders on the Apollo 8 mission Photo: Reuters video capture.

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Management has indicated The mission “overcame the challenge of high temperatures in the far reaches of the Moon.” He added that two methods were used to collect the samples: a Drill to get Underground models and A Robot arm to pick you up surface samples at different places.

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Also, the Several instruments are installed on the landerThe landing camera, the panoramic camera, the lunar soil texture detector, and the lunar mineral spectrum analyzer “worked perfectly and Scientific studies carried out as planned.”

After completing sample collection, the lander The Chinese national flag was displayed for the first time on the far side of the moon.

China raised its flag on the far side of the moon.  Photo: China National Space Administration China raised its flag on the far side of the moon. Photo: China National Space Administration

Research, whose round trip takes about 53 daysConsists of four components: a orbital, And Alanizer, And Lift up and A Re-entry Block (Returner).

Chang’e project, named In honor of a deity from Chinese mythology believed to inhabit the moonThe first survey was launched in 2007.

In recent years, Beijing has invested heavily in its space program, reaching milestones such as the successful landing of the Chang’e 4 on the far side of the moon in January 2019. No other country has received it to dateand its construction own space station.


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