Impressive images of bright galaxies captured by Euclid, the telescope probing the dark universe

Impressive images of bright galaxies captured by Euclid, the telescope probing the dark universe

The European agency has unveiled a dazzling array of stargazers capable of capturing images four times sharper than their terrestrial counterparts.

Euclid’s telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) Shown unpublished images captured by Telescopio Euclid In celebration of the first scientific publication with observations from this instrument, it showed A dazzling array of stellar displays.

In July 2023, ESA launched a mission aimed at revealing cosmic mysteries. According to the agency, Euclid is designed Explore the composition and evolution of the dark universe” and thank you for your care in creating a large-scale 3D map Billions of galaxies are located 10 billion light years away.

“Euclid explores How the universe expanded and how structure evolved throughout cosmic history, “Reveals more about the role of gravity and the nature of dark energy and dark matter,” the ESA points out.

Euclid's telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency Euclid’s telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

In November, the telescope captured the first images from its position in space and displayed the views Star coils and a tutorial Like a horse’s head.

Valeria Petorino Y Rene Lauriges, “We can search for objects that were very difficult to detect before Euclid,” said ESA’s project scientists. Floating planets, ultracold stars, brown dwarfs, galaxies with very low surface gloss or Quasar people with very high red shift. Even Euclid could express New objects This has never been noticed before.

And they added: “This is the beginning of an extraordinary journey A basic understanding of the universe we live in“.

Images returned by the James Webb Telescope.  Photo: NASA

Shocking images taken by Euclid’s telescope

Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency Interesting photos taken with the Euclid telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency Interesting photos taken with the Euclid telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

Interesting photos taken with the Euclid telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency Interesting photographs taken with the Euclid telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

Galaxy.  Photo: Unsplash.

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5 Interesting Facts About Euclid’s Telescope

  1. It is named after Euclid, the Greek astronomer and mathematician who laid the foundations of modern geometry in the 3rd century AD. C. and founded a school of mathematics in Alexandria.
  2. It is 1.2 meters in diameter and has two main instruments: a visible light camera and a near-infrared spectrometer. Both elements achieve images four times sharper than those formed from Earth.
  3. The observation team was launched by a rocket from Elon Musk’s company SpaceX.
  4. It is capable of analyzing millions of objects in the universe as seen 10 billion years ago.
  5. It is expected to have a useful life of approximately six years, although it can work for much longer. It depends on the conditions like availability of electricity.


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