Income Tax Return 2023: On Tuesday 26th, the schedule for companies to file it begins | Sunat | | Your money

Income Tax Return 2023: On Tuesday 26th, the schedule for companies to file it begins |  Sunat |  |  Your money

The final schedule for submission of Annual Affidavit begins this Tuesday 26th Income tax 2023 is the taxable year of those institutions of general government and government MYPE Taxpayers with annual income above 1,700 Taxable Units (UIT) (RMT).

Who should present it?

In 2023, those who received income or losses of the third category must submit their declaration subject to the general regime and/or the income tax's mike tax rules.

Category III income-earning persons or companies carrying out activities taxed through Financial Transaction Tax (ITF) and paying more than 15% of their obligations without using cash are also required to submit a declaration. .

Also Read: Income Tax: What Aspects To Consider While Filing Affidavit?

How is the Annual Income Tax Return submitted?

To submit declaration of income for the year 2023, companies are required to submit virtual form no. 710 should be used, which is SUNAT Virtual () with effect from January 2, 2024.

The schedule for these taxpayers will be extended till April 11, 2024, as per the last digit of the taxpayer's RUC as per the following details:

Also Read: Entrepreneurs: Tips to Improve Tax Revenue in Your SME

Reference information on positive balance

Like every year, SUNAT makes available to the taxpayers a personalized file containing reference information about the amount due, amounts paid into account and Provisional Tax on Net Assets paid (ITAN). When they submit their annual return. This file is available from February 12.

For more information about notification and available form, taxpayers can visit special portal .

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