IP warns Grupo Milenio to be cautious as economy improves

IP warns Grupo Milenio to be cautious as economy improves

Although expectations indicate that in 2023 He Mexico's gross domestic product (GDP) will grow closer to 3.5 percentHe cautioned that it is better to interpret this with caution Center for Economic Studies of the Private Sector (CESP).

Although the economy has improved, public policy needs to focus on creating the conditions to achieve and maintain better performance, he noted in his weekly report.

“Undoubtedly, the economy has improved, but the post-pandemic recovery has been very slow compared to other countries and expectations point to less activity next year,” he explained.

He pointed out that an environment with clear expectations of growth and survival is essential for new and established enterprises to participate in the formal sector of the economy in order to achieve and maintain the best performance of the country's productive activity. How to create a positive perception and confidence in the business environment.

He warned that informality has become an alternative for large numbers of people looking for a source of income, but it is consolidated because of the lack of policies to encourage participation in the formal sector of the economy.

He Cheesesp In 2022, the informal economy will account for nearly a quarter (24.4 percent) of GDP, a historically high percentage, but as is known, the productivity of the informal sector is low; For example, it employs more than half of the population and generates only a quarter of the country's output.

He also said that the intolerance of the authorities was a major cause of informality in general; In addition, excessive regulatory burden discourages opening a formal enterprise, besides non-salary labor costs discourage formalization of labor, and these can reach 50 percent of total labor costs.

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The study center noted that a large number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) correspond wholly or partially to informal businesses and, due to their size, have limited opportunities for production, which inevitably weighs on the problem of low productivity. and in the development of the country.

In this context, as there is no opportunity to relocate companies' production chains or close ones, it is necessary to adopt policies of economic regulation and reduction of labor costs of companies, and the need to control future costs also applies to salaries, he assured. Eternal.

“Mexico is at an unmissable moment. “This relocation can create important and lasting benefits for the entire population, as long as the legal environment and other necessary conditions are in place, not only in the North but the entire country will be attractive to participate in the ritual,” he said. Cheesesp.


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