‘It didn’t look professional’: Explorer bought a ticket with the Titan submarine, but canceled it for safety

‘It didn’t look professional’: Explorer bought a ticket with the Titan submarine, but canceled it for safety

Explorer Chris Brown canceled his trip Titanic In the submarine after warning that Titan “He was exposed to many dangers beyond his control.”

An explorer saves himself from death after buying and then canceling his trip to the rest of the world. Titanic In a submarine TitanIt has been missing since Sunday with 5 crew members and an explosion has been confirmed at a depth of 4 kilometers in the Atlantic Ocean.

Accordingly Chris Brown, In reports CNNThe expedition “seemed to have many dangers beyond his control”, prompting him to cancel his participation in the controversial submarine.

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Saved from possible death

Brown said he registered in 2017 Titanic It contains TitanBut next year he asked for deposit again.

The reason for his decision was that he truly assessed whether it was safe to travel to this depth in this submarine.

“I don’t like the way the company approaches them (external risks),” he said. For example, he said OceanGate (the company responsible for these activities) did not meet its objectives of achieving depth in established periods.

At the same time, he noted that “an industrial case was used as ballast,” adding, “They turned on an Xbox controller. The parts seemed ready.” In this last step, it is true that a video game controller is used, but This is the Logitech GF710 wireless modified gamepad which is priced at 40 dollars in the market.

To her, the submarine looked as if it had been hastily built to cross some river. For this reason, he withdrew his deposit, which in 2018 was about 110 thousand dollars. It currently costs $250,000.

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Brown may have traveled on any of the voyages to the wreck on the Atlantic Ocean: it’s unclear whether he would have been among the passengers that departed Sunday.

Brown was not the first person to raise concerns about submarine safety. Former passengers said they experienced communication losses, and a lawsuit in 2018 accused OceanGate of poor quality control.

Five people died

This Thursday, June 22, is the deadline for oxygen availability on the boat. remains Titan.

This message has been confirmed Coast Guard The agency took the leadership and coordination of the United States Rescue missions by forces from your country, Canada and France.

sadly, The destruction of the submarine also meant the death of five of its crew members: OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush; Hamish Harding, President of Action Aviation; Pakistani Shahjata Dawood, vice-chairman of Engro, and his son Suleman; as well as expert French diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet.

At a press conference, Rear Admiral John Mauger of the Coast Guard pointed out Submersible residues They were discovered by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operated by the Canadian ship Horizon Arctic.


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