It is the new mobile operator to land in Colombia after the 5G auction

It is the new mobile operator to land in Colombia after the 5G auction

This 20th December, results 5G Network Auction, A technology that allows for the highest connection speeds in the country, offering more stable connections, faster downloads, among other new features.

In the auction, the ICT Ministry bid for the networks 700MHz; 1,900 MHz; AWS extended and 2,500 MHz). For the 5G network, the 3,500 MHz band.

(In context: 5G is a reality in Colombia: these are the operators who won the bid).

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Now, as announced by the Minister of Communications, Mauricio LiscanoAfter nine rounds of bidding, the networks were allocated Claro, Moviestar-Dico, Vom and Telecall.

The introduction of 5G will have beneficial effects on other technologies such as 4G. According to the minister, this development will facilitate the transition from older technologies like 2G and 3G towards widespread use of 4G and 5G. According to Liscano, “The construction of antennas across the country will be huge next year because the connectivity plan includes not only 5G, but also spectrum renewal.”

Along with the 80 MHz block, Telecom bought a portion of the band for $318,333 million. That means the company will officially enter the country’s market.

But who are they? His name is not well known in the Colombian market, which is why he attracted the attention of more than one.

(Also: 5G cell phones in Colombia: These are some of the options you can buy).

Telecol is the operator officially entering the Colombian market

The headquarters of the company is BrazilBut it has offices in three strategic locations around the world: Miami, Portugal and England. Since its inception it has focused on TelecommunicationLittle by little creates one of the companies with the best international presence.

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(This may interest you: Communication: When spectrum price grows by 40%, revenue falls by 50%).

It started in the US in the late 1990s and is regulated by ANATEL. Its core business was then, International SIM cards. Later, it was transferred to a neighboring country due to the success it provided the connection between foreign and Brazilian operators.

Currently, it provides services Telecommunications, broadband and cellular telephony, Stands out for delivering network infrastructure, Business management required for telecom service providers who do not have operational support system and necessary infrastructure.

Colombia, on the road to 5G

Laura Natalia Boharquez Ronconcio

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