Jacqueline Salazar: Police arrested businessman’s uncle and two others involved in smuggling.

Jacqueline Salazar: Police arrested businessman’s uncle and two others involved in smuggling.

The man intervened custody at the ‘San Martin’ Funeral Home located at Honorio Delgado Avenue in SMP. “I am brother-in-law George Salazar And for supporting him in geo-location, they intervened on me,” he said as he was placed in a patrol car.

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Maybe Jackie Salazar It has taken an unexpected turn. And that’s it National Police This Monday he arrested three people involved in smuggling; Among them, he claimed to be the uncle of the 32-year-old businessman.

Agents of the Trafficking Division and the PNP’s Special Task Force Against Organized Crime, along with members Prosecutor’s OfficeHe arrived at the ‘San Martín Funeral Home, located in the first block of Honorio Delgado Avenue in the Lima district. San Martin de Porres (SMP).

During the intervention, the framed subject – whose identity has not been revealed – told the media that he was the businessman’s uncle.

“I am brother-in-law George Salazar [padre de Jackeline] And to support him with geolocation, they have intervened,” he declared.

“For supporting my brother-in-law George Salazar. [¿Usted es el tío de Jackeline?] “That’s right,” he added.

The three involved were transferred to the headquarters of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (Drinkiri).

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Three people continue to be detained on kidnapping charges

Jacqueline Salazar was rescued last Friday, May 24Eleven days after his abduction in Los Olivos district. The young woman was found in a two-story building located in the Costas del Sol 2 housing association area in Carapaillo.

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In that property, the custody Stopped four: Luis Andres Soubis Morales (25), ‘Seto’; Alfredo Tino Cano Aliaga, 28; Brian Tony Yomona Quesada (30), aka ‘Nose’; and Armando Vasquez Zara (61).

However, the head of Tringri, General PNP Marco Contesaid on Saturday Armando Vasquez was acquitted. A “carpenter” who worked on a property near the house where Salazar was abducted was proven to have nothing to do with the abduction.

“A resident who happened to be a carpenter adjacent to the site in the affected area intervened. That is why it was established later and is no longer discontinued. Investigations proved it [sic]” he announced.

Meanwhile, the The judiciary granted seven days of preliminary custody Against Luis Soubis, Alfredo Cano and Brian Yomona, co-authors of the crime against personal liberty and against the public peace to the detriment of the State.


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