Javier Miele signed a decree to reduce Argentina from 18 to 9. What wallet did you remove? | the world

Javier Miele signed a decree to reduce Argentina from 18 to 9.  What wallet did you remove?  |  the world

The President’s first Necessity and Urgency Order (DNU). Javier Miley – signed this Sunday afternoon, on its first day in the Casa Rosada and published early Monday morning in the official gazette – contemplates, among its main points, the reduction of 18 ministries to 9. The libertarian leader’s first measures aimed at reducing specific public spending during his presidential campaign in Argentina.

DNU is responsible for strategic affairs in the four state secretariats, under the Chief of Staff. Nicholas ownswhen the other three – Legal and technical; Communications and Journalism, and the President’s General- They will have ministerial rank and hierarchy.

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This is the first order of the new administration “It is necessary to modify the provisions of the Act of Ministers and the objectives set out with a view to making the activities of the national government rational and efficient”.

Wallets that work anymore SecurityDirected by Patricia Bullrich; justiceIn the hands of Mariano Cuneo Liberona; economyUnder the Orbit of Luis Caputo; External relationsInventory by Diana Mondino; InteriorLed by Guillermo Francos, HealthWith Mario Russo and Protection, led by Louis Petrie. And recently created: Human capitalSandra Petovello e infrastructureBy Guillermo Ferraro.

About Health There were many twists and turns: At first it was considered under orbit Human capitalLater it depended on the Chief Staff Secretariat until it was decided to keep it as a Ministry.

respect Human capital, and “describes powers over education, culture, relationships and individual and collective working conditions (…) everything related to social security; Matters related to food security, poverty reduction, promotion of equal opportunities for the most vulnerable sectors (…) and access to decent housing and habitat.” That is, Ministries of Social Development, Education, Labour, Women and Culture come under this portfolio.

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“To promote public works, housing, communication and transport policies,” Ministry of Infrastructure”.

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A defunct ministry Science and Technology, Meanwhile, it will be absorbed by the leadership Tourism and Environment and Sustainable Development They will enter the organizational chart of the Interior Ministry headed by Guillermo Francos. The DNU points out that in all ministries’ demotions in secretariats, “budget appropriations, organizational units, assets, personnel in their positions and assets in force to date” should be transferred. That is, there will be no significant reduction in personnel and materials.

The Energy Secretariat, planned for the infrastructure orbit in Miley’s original design, would eventually be housed within the Ministry of Economy headed by Luis Caputo. Although this is an important area for the design of economic policy, Libertad Avanza attributed the change to a bureaucratic problem.

“It’s an area that streamlines things that require instant signature and transfer complexity management,” they explained. This is yet to be defined, but it is estimated that migration from one ministry to another should be completed in the coming months.


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