Julio Velarde expects May inflation to end at 2.2% Economy

Julio Velarde expects May inflation to end at 2.2% Economy

Julio Velarde, President Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR), inflation in Peru is expected to end at 2.2%. He shared this information during his presentation on the last day of XV Symposium – International Mining Meeting organized by the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE).

“We expect inflation to be between 2% and 2.2% this year. The same situation will happen next year,” he said.

“Similarly, we expect inflation to remain close to 2% in the next few months, although it may pick up after some time. At some point it should be below 1.9%.Wellard added.

read more: Peru has the potential to produce 5 million metric tons of copper by 2031

On the other hand, he described as absurd some reports that cash poverty in Peru would take about 26 years to return to its lowest rates.

“There are ridiculous predictions from some serious economists who say it will take 26 years to get back to poverty. They’re thinking that poverty is flat, people are earning S/0, S/1, S/2. It’s nonsense.”, referred to when Julio Velarde During his presentation Symposium XV – International Mining Meeting.

On the other hand, he criticized Velarde’s actions A few setbacks in recent years have left the door open to spending initiatives for the Legislature.

“The same TC recognizes that Congress has the power to create budget expenditures, the same year (they approve a provision), but for the next year. This is barbaric”, He promised.

And, Velarde said “He believes there is a situation where this can be stopped.” In particular, the leader of the BCRP put himself forward

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“I hope the Congress or the alliance will have a majority for the next president. This is how Toledo and Garcia ruled. Today we have a fragmented and untrained legislature. There are no matches. “They are asking the AFP to withdraw because they haven’t analyzed anything.” Done.


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