June’s economy shrinks for sixth straight quarter | Edition

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The Development Studies Network (REDES) reported that June’s region’s economy shrank by 3.9% in the quarter to 2024, its sixth consecutive quarterly decline. This figure is worrying as we are below Piura which recorded a decline of 8.6%.

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The decision was in response to a sector-specific manufacturing activity indicator released by the National Institute of Statistics and Information, based on the poor performance of the mining sector, which registered negative numbers from the third quarter of 2023.

“The low efficiency of economic activity makes poverty reduction difficult, especially in areas with large gaps in infrastructure and provision of basic services such as education and health. According to the World Bank, 85% of poverty reduction in Peru between 2004 and 2019 was due to economic growth.Dittmer Quispe said.

Mining activity – representing 28% of the regional GDP – presented a fall of -18.7% due to lower production of copper and molybdenum extracted by Minera Chinalco Perú. Zinc also decreased, explained by the temporary incapacity of the San Ignacio de Morococha mining company due to mining accidents.

Agricultural development and construction

However, all is not negative as positive results have been recorded in the agriculture and construction sectors. The agriculture sector – the region’s biggest employment generator – grew by 6% in June, making us the tenth fastest growing region. This is in response to higher production of potato (16.4%), green grain peas (14.2%) and maize (13.5%). For this reason, it is necessary to launch initiatives that allow the consortium to develop and manage more and better technology. In addition, measures to formalize farmers should be considered, as the majority work informally, Quispe stressed.

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In the INEI report, the construction sector rose by 5.4%, driven by the regional government’s public investment in the improvement of the Junin-Sasigucho Ingaya-Ondores San Pedro de Bari-Pasco sectoral highway in the province of Junin; Educational infrastructure works and the Cantuta Bridge in Huancayo.


The expert added that since only 15.8% of farmers in Junin have access to irrigation, there is a need to implement programs to increase work in the sector.

The risks that the region may face are related to the impact of climate like frost.

“Clear action from various sectors is necessary to prevent frequent problems from continuing to affect us. Let’s not forget the potential of the central macro-region, which stands out in mining – iron, zinc, silver and lead -, aquaculture, agribusiness for export, manufacturing, tourism,” said Quispe. finished


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