Justice chief asks Congress to reprimand economy minister | MEF | Alex Contreras | Judiciary | Budget | Congress | principle

Justice chief asks Congress to reprimand economy minister |  MEF |  Alex Contreras |  Judiciary |  Budget |  Congress |  principle

Alex Contreras’ calculations keep failing. INEI figures later refuted the situation after being decidedly wrong when promising that this month would record the highest growth rate of the year, the president said. Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) continues to receive criticism for its performance in leading the sector, which, like our economy, continues to decline.

Questions about Contreras’ administration now come from the Justice Department. The president of that company, Javier Arevalo, appeared before the congressional budget commission and, regretful and embarrassed, did not hesitate to propose to the legislators that the minister should be audited for not allocating the necessary economic resources to his company in the 2024 budget. , which he described as “crumbs”.

For this mistreatment, Arevalo had a falling out with Contreras, who was responsible for his department’s budget allocation. “We have a budget that provides an economy that we do not accept, it is time for the Congress delegation to call it and propose an audit. If an economy minister cannot meet the needs of his country, he should be reprimanded,” said the magistrate.

Meera: BJ leader: Congress cannot start inquiry on “rumours”.

According to Arévalo, the decision of MEF and Contreras against the Judiciary is “illegitimate” because it is Law no. 28821, he explained, and for this reason, his department minister did not sign the law. “We can’t accept signing minutes to get scraps. We don’t agree with how they’re treating us,” he told the task force.

The president of the PJ explained that the actual budget for 2024 for the Department of Justice is 7,182.9 million bases to guarantee the fulfillment of its institutional objectives, but Contreras will allocate only 3,659.5 million, which is why he was forced to request this commission. Budget expansion. “What is needed is in your hands. Fixing is one thing and killing ourselves,” summed up Arevalo.

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He pointed out that this request was made through an official letter to the MEF in April, but was ignored by Contreras. “Perhaps, he shouldn’t be to blame, but those who are talking in his ear, but I tell them one thing: he (Contreras) is responsible. We know that there are middle management officials who will tell you: “This did not happen”, and I doubt who we are talking to, because the middle It’s better to do this with management people,” he explained.

Not only did the Justice Department question Congress about Contreras’ budget allocation. National Advocate Patricia Benawitz also appeared before the Budget Commission and explained that the MEF’s allocation to the Public Ministry covers only 21% of the required resources.

The head of the budget commission, Jose Gerry, supported Arevalo’s request to allocate more resources. “The BJ leader’s demand for budget expansion was strong. We will encourage a debate on this extension from the Commission. However, we need to get a consensus in the Commission first and then with the MEF. We will see there which request is possible and which is not,” he said Peru21.

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