Less stats and more pocket economy

Less stats and more pocket economy

Election campaigning is emotional. Data is important, but emotions rise above it. Can read right but not left. You have more than 40 days to resolve it. Providing official data is not enough, from national and international institutions, to endorse good governance; That’s all If it wasn’t felt to the same extent at street level it would be wet paper. The right exploits this phenomenon, which is ripe with manipulation and statist distortion. It works for him.

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A setback.

Economics weigh on election campaigns, but not in the way the left is hijacking. You have to get Download the message at street level. Beyond the fact that the right-wing distorts and falsifies data, PP and Vox seem to be more in tune with citizen sentiment. The shopping basket appears to have settled into a permanent slump in January, with conditions so unfavorable that the Coalition Government insists our inflation is well below the European average.

Humanizing statistics today is more important than ever. If one listens or watches any media sponsored by the PP or autocratic governments of the Church, notice how this popular sentiment is exploited. The accumulation of external factors beyond the control of the government is such a large scale. The measures put in place reassure, but don’t dazzle. If this is not implemented, the plight of millions of people will be dramatic, but the news will not sink in.

Los Prices have fallen to their lowest level in nearly two yearsThanks, among other things, to general reductions in VAT, but More expensive to buy. This is undeniable and therefore important to know Explain why this is happening and what the situation would be if they did not implement the measures that PP and Vox have rejected. Can you imagine what it would be like to face a shopping cart without Spanish families? Savings of 5,100 million euros in electricity bills thanks to the Iberian exemption? Because they don’t have to put in much effort The government has decided to extend it for another yearIf the PP wins the election on July 23, it will root it out.

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The same goes for the minimum professional wage. How about going to the market with 300 euros less in your pocket per month? Such was the situation with the PP government A good portion of people trying to fill their fridge will find themselves. Despite the good indicators, the day-to-day economic situation is complex and it is advantageous to openly acknowledge it in political narratives. And that’s because more serious work has been done: instead of talking about ERTEs alone, it should be noted that this implies that salaries are socialized, i.e. The government paid salaries to 6.6 million people during the worst of the pandemic. So they don’t lose their jobs. In the case In the hotel sector, almost 55% of the companies benefited from this assistance. Thanks to this, and a labor reform that has brought about higher standards in hiring Better employment data with historical records of about 21 million people who joined Social Security since 2008.

Face household expenses with almost 100 euros per month It’s a relief on the current account, something that wouldn’t have happened this year at the pensioners’ home if Alberto Núñez Feijo had been in power. 8.5% revaluation of their pension. Despite the adverse nature of the international crisis, the foundations laid by the current coalition government encourage organizations like the OECD to look forward. The Spanish economy is expected to grow this year by -2.1%, above the eurozone average- and improvements in unemployment, public deficit and inflation figures.

What does that mean on a daily basis? Well, you have to put the figures in euros, you have to How many fewer euros would we have in our pockets if the right had ruled us and imposed its votes against measures? previously exposed. As government spokeswoman Isabel Rodriguez pointed out the other day, it’s not enough to talk about “things to eat”; You need to put statistics, impact at street level. Aggregation of actions executed, etc Free or cheap passes on public transportNot only do they save a lot of money, they also improve the air quality of our cities with 8.5 million fewer intercity trips by car.

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Franchise and related media can continue to tout how difficult it is to fill a shopping cart, but before that, If PP and Vox take over, the left will have to put up statistics on how the situation will be so dramatic and without prospects for improvement.. It is very important to reach the public with other messages, a discourse, based on macroeconomic statistics, people are aware of the safety net that the government has placed under their feet. How living beings imagine a better future, thanks to this. Economic dialogue at the street level will be essential in this campaign, the effort Wake up those who take it for granted that the right cannot actually be in power.


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