Making science and culture an accessible experience is the essence of CaixaForum

Making science and culture an accessible experience is the essence of CaixaForum

Culture is the backbone of people’s lives. Scientific and technological advances are the axis of progress. Accessing both is one Essential knowledge tool, an engine for the development of communities. This belief is part of the DNA of the “La Caixa” Foundation, which has been established since the seventies. Culture and science are an essential part of its work.

This industry led to the organization of the Foundation Exhibitions and cultural activities and initiate calls Contests and Prizes across Spain as part of his social work. He always argued Make culture and science accessible To this end, it offers a current program that ensures the capacity for innovation and talent, but does not forget to deal with themes and concepts of all time. Analyzing the past and Provides new perspectives Culture should be central to people’s lives.

One of the most important works of the “la Caixa” Foundation is in the pursuit of diffusion Opening of Cultural Centers (CaixaForum) across Spanish geography. Over the years he managed to create a Amelia is red It is a great gateway to current scientific and cultural knowledge, connecting people to these big issues in a simple way.

Places where CaixaForum centers are established have a lot to do Each region has its own culture and history As all centers are installed, they are located Buildings of great architectural interest have been converted into centers of propagation. are present Ten CaixaForum centers And this CosmoCaixa Science MuseumA pilot initiative was launched in 2004.

The first Barcelona’s CaixaForumOpened in 2002. It is housed in an old textile factory and is a fine example. Modern architecture Catalan businessman. Modernism is a style that is repeated in many of the buildings that make up the CaixaForum centers. In Palma From Mallorca, the building that houses the CaixaForum today is the old Gran Hotel, one of the most important examples of modernist construction on the island. They are also in this current CaixaForum Lleida Old Vinays Cinema-, and CaixaForum MacayaListed as a Property of Cultural Interest, in Barcelona.

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He of CaixaForum MadridLocated in the heart of the city, an old power plant converted into a community space, this is a The iconic vertical garden, the first established in Spain and one of the largest contiguous area in the world. There are also avant-garde Zaragoza CaixaForumthat Seville And it is worth highlighting the most recent one ValenciaIt is located in the Agora building City of Arts and Sciences.

In these centers you will find the “La Caixa” Foundation’s own exhibitions and Organized in collaboration with other cultural and scientific institutions, famous as Prado National Museum, British Museum, Pompidou Center or American Museum of Natural History. Past and present go hand in hand Foundation’s Cultural Offering Collections should be presented in such a way as to reach all audiences.

We can get closer to culture only through exhibitions or conferences. “la Caixa” Foundation has other programs and tools for this. One of the most recent examples is his platform Betty Forum+Where you can find -free- Videos, podcasts and soon streaming content Department of Arts and Sciences.

For “la Caixa” Foundation Culture and science are issues that should play an important role in people’s lives Hence they should be accessible to the public in any form. Exhibitions, concerts, conferences, documentaries and films… every medium of dissemination that encourages thought and debate is accommodated in these spaces. Bringing knowledge to people.

Likewise, it searches Get people to share in that knowledge By promoting learning and artistic creation, that is why the Foundation organizes from time to time activitiesAt its centers and through annual programs like Art for change Or a call for support from the artists within them Contemporary Art Collection.

In addition, in cities without a permanent CaixaForum center, many exhibitions and all kinds of activities are organized: workshops, debates, street art, deployable mobile units that travel to different parts of the country… In 2022, 76 traveling exhibitionsIt toured 68 cities in Spain and Portugal.

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News for 2023

Under the motto We thrive on culturePresents the 2023-2024 season of the “La Caixa” Foundation 34 exhibition titles. They will be among them 10 first impressionsIt will tour both the CaixaForum centers and the CosmoCaixa Science Museum and various cities in the Iberian Peninsula.

Programming integrates Own products A new exhibition was dedicated to the heritage of different disciplines – music, mathematics, photography, paleontology, cinema – among them. Filmmaker Luis García Berlanga, and others in association with recognized institutions. Here it is worth highlighting, for example, models made with British Museum On that day Representation of female power or exposure thereto The relationship between art and natureFrom pieces Pompidou Center

Cultural programs of “la Caixa” Foundation, by CaixaForumstands for People’s reflection and participation in culture and scienceTaking into account the diversity of the audience and their multiple interests.


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