Man sends his DNA to the moon so he can be ‘cloned and put in a zoo’

Man sends his DNA to the moon so he can be ‘cloned and put in a zoo’

A physics professor will send his DNA Luna With Celestis Company. He wants the aliens to put him in an intergalactic zoo.

Gray and Atn The journey of Kenneth Ohm, a physics professor Luna For a specific purpose: an extraterrestrial race wants to clone him and put him in a “zoo”.

For this, in life He paid the company HeavenResponsible for transporting personal items and human ashes into space.

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Space Zoo

Om, 86, described the case in an article The New York Times.

According to the report, the scientist believes that future civilizations could eventually open an “intergalactic zoo of Ken Oms in a cage” or even “a swarm of thousands of reconstructed Ken Oms spread across the universe.”

Is this possible? Currently there are ways to clone animals AtnSo even this is not impossible, nor is it a far-fetched notion.

Other users have more “romantic” goals for sending their ashes into space, such as New York City firefighter Daniel Conlisk, who told the newspaper he wants to be sent into space with his wife. A progressively worsening cancer, or aerospace engineer Jeffrey Woitach, grew up watching the Apollo missions on television. And some of his ashes should reach the lunar surface.

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Commemorative flights

Space Agency HeavenBased in Texas, it places cremated remains into orbit over the years.

During its first flight in 1997, the company photographed the remains of its creator Star TrekGene Roddenberry and science visionary Gerard O’Neill are the physicists behind the design of the space habitat known as the O’Neill Cylinder.

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The company’s first “lunar monument,” NASA’s Lunar Prospector mission, launched in January 1998, impacting the lunar surface a year and a half later inside a permanently shadowed crater. The capsule carried on board the remains of prominent planetary geologist Eugene Schumacher.

“Commemorative Capsules of Heaven Transport cremated remains and Atn “On the lunar surface will be a permanent tribute to the brave souls who never stopped reaching for the stars,” the company’s website says.


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