Master the art of selling technology

Master the art of selling technology
David Sandoval, ICT Strategy Consultant.

Sales is a fundamental art form for the growth of all technology companies.

Comment by David Sandoval, ICT Strategy Consultant*

A skilled salesperson knows how to network, persuade and convert prospects into customers.

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All tech companies need to train their sales force; Teach them how your products can solve their problems or help them increase their efficiency.

To master the art of selling technology, the following points must be addressed:

1 Strengthen your knowledge

To sell technology effectively, a deep understanding of the product you offer is critical.

Research and stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the technology industry.

This will allow you to communicate the benefits and features of your offer clearly and confidently.

Remember that you need to know your product in depth and you need to be prepared to clearly answer all the questions that your different prospects may ask you.

2 Keep it short and simple

In an information-rich world, it’s important to capture your customers’ attention quickly and effectively. Use clear and concise language to convey the value of your product or service.

Avoid redundant technologies and focus on highlighting how your technology will solve problems and meet your customers’ needs.

3 Sell with empathy

Empathy is an important skill in the art of technical selling. Putting yourself in your customers’ shoes will help you understand their needs and concerns.

This will allow you to adapt your sales approach and offer solutions that really resonate with them.

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Actively listens, shows genuine interest and provides personalized service to build strong, long-term relationships.

4 Focus the conversation on your client’s ailments

When selling technology, it’s important to focus on the problems and challenges your customer faces. Ask relevant questions to find out their needs and goals, and then present your solutions as answers to their specific ailments.

Instead of focusing on the technical aspects of your product, highlight how it can improve efficiency, reduce costs, or increase your customer’s productivity.

5 Keep practicing

Information technology is advancing rapidly, so it is important to stay up-to-date and keep learning. Participate in courses, conferences and workshops related to your industry.

Keep an eye on the latest trends and technological developments. This will allow you to stay ahead of the industry and provide innovative and relevant solutions to your customers.

6 Expectations must be realistic

Setting realistic sales expectations is important.

Keeping a healthy balance between motivation and reality is essential; Setting unattainable expectations can cause frustration for you and your team, which can lead to a desire not to pursue the task.

Additionally, setting realistic expectations will allow you to focus your efforts on meeting them, and when you achieve them, you can set new challenges and expand your market.

7 Sell technology with technology

Using technical marketing solutions like strategic communication and content marketing is a key strategy to reach your target audience and effectively position your product or service.

In addition, it is important to use social media to generate attention and create demand.

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It is also important to highlight the company’s brand by showcasing its experience and knowledge through case studies and educational resources.

Mastering technical selling takes practice, dedication and a strategic approach.

I believe that by following these principles, you can build strong relationships with your customers, drive business growth, and achieve long-term success in the ever-changing world of business and technology.

David Sandoval He started his career at IS Global and then continued with Plantronics for 12 years where he became the Channel Manager for South America. In 2021 he joined DTEN, developing a business plan to launch the brand and its solutions in Mexico and Latin America.


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