Melissa Klug isn’t keeping quiet, talking about the fight between Samahara Lopatone and Brian Torres on the street

Melissa Klug isn’t keeping quiet, talking about the fight between Samahara Lopatone and Brian Torres on the street
The show ‘Amor y Fuego’ showed footage of Melissa Gluck’s daughter’s partner kicking her when she tried to take her current daughter’s cell phone. (Love and Fire)

Melissa Gluck She’s just weeks away from becoming a mother for the sixth time, but those moments of peace and quiet are marred by the media woes her second daughter is facing. Samahara LobedanWith his current partner Brian Torres.

A few days ago they spread “Love and Fire” Some embarrassing pictures show a strong fight between Samahara Lopaten and his partner Brian Torres. All this on public roads, visible to all.

Ever since Samahara Lopedon decided to start a good friend relationship with Brian Torres Jefferson FarfanMelissa Gluck He did not agree with that relationship. Also, the distance between them was very clear.

No Lopatone at Baby Shower for Mother Expecting Her Sixth Daughter; Gluck did not attend her granddaughter Sianna’s 3rd birthday with Yuna, Samahara’s daughter. Both events were equally large and important within the family, but the distance between mother and daughter was much stronger.

Samahara Lopatone Didn’t Go to Melissa Gluck’s Baby Shower, Here’s Why Instagram.

However, that should also be taken into account Melissa Gluck She is pregnant, so any appearance or displeasure will harm her your child Perhaps that’s why she decided to put aside her daughter’s issues and avoid testifying on the matter.

But every time the Samhara issue is covered in the media, Melissa Gluck shares some news on her social networks.

In this way, the ‘Blanca de Suquito’ She gave a glimpse of what she thought about it, perhaps, despite everything, as a mother, she knew what was happening to her daughter, even if she wasn’t paying attention.

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In this case, being a very strong problem and where it was evident kickingPulling, biting, Melissa shared a message with her followers.

“There are situations we can’t control, there are emotions, even if we avoid them, they are there. The only thing left is to believe. “Believe in the plans of life, surrender with heart and faith in every situation” is the message he shared on his social networks.

Melissa Gluck has long said publicly Samahara Lobedan He is already of legal age and he makes his own decisions. It was Samharam who decided whether or not to carry out the advice, even though he was clearly told that he could be advised.

Melissa Klug rejects Samahara Lopatone’s racist comments. Catch America TV

After the fight between Samahara Lobedan, some characters have talked about it. One of them Rebecca EscrinsPresenter of America Newsies program block.

“Samahara Lopadone got out of control, fought, he kicked her, if we see this on the street, imagine what happens at home,” commented the actress who did not hesitate to criticize. Brian Torres For his statement after seeing the pictures.

“If you don’t want them talking about your relationship, don’t do things on the street,” said the host, who used the moment to ask the influencer’s family to take action on the matter. “I hope the family intervenes, something has not been right for some time,” he said.


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