Minister Nellie Paredes denies hiring son-in-law at Midakry: “I didn’t hire a relative”

Minister Nellie Paredes denies hiring son-in-law at Midakry: “I didn’t hire a relative”

In Air rotaryMinister Nelly Paredes He denied influencing the appointment of the accused Nephew Percy Reategui In a key position MidakryAs indicated by a journalist complaint.

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Minister of Community Development and Irrigation, Nellie walls of the fort, this Sunday denied that any of his relatives worked in the department and expressed his willingness to clarify the case. After this Congress One will be provided interpolation movement Promoted by him Member of Parliament Oscar Zia.

The Minister’s announcement will happen later on Sunday counter current It was reported in April that he had influenced his son-in-law’s appointment Percy Retegui Beacon As Director General of Midagri Management.

The report also found Declared jurisdictional limits In both cases the reference to an assumed relationship is omitted, but the name is common Laura Reátegui del Castillo.

when Fort walls Arzobispo Loayza registered her as an accountant relative working at the National Hospital, Reategui Picon She pointed out that she is her retired aunt who lives in the US.

He denies the relationship

In this regard, the member Cabinet of Ministers was denied Air rotary what Reategui Picon Be his son-in-law, moreover, he withdrew his influence Position Created on December 29, 2022.

Also, membership Cabinet of Ministers He pointed out that most of the points in the motion have already been answered Supervisory and Regulatory Authority of Parliament.

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“I did not hire my son-in-law. I have been in public administration for more than 30 years and I would like to explain that I have always respected all the rules. I respect the proceedings of Congress, and I am first anxious that all the points of that motion should be cleared up, for they are all false. “I have never hired a relative in my portfolio,” he asserted.

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However, he pointed out Laura Reategui del Castillo His cousin and aunt Percy ReteguiThis does not mean that the latter is his direct relative.

“The woman is my first cousin, she is the man’s aunt, but we are not related, related, or related,” he said.


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