More than 9,000 students attended the school event of the 2023 Science and Technology Fair > Municipality of Córdoba

More than 9,000 students attended the school event of the 2023 Science and Technology Fair > Municipality of Córdoba
  • The workshops were held from June 26 to July 7.

The Municipality of Córdoba, through the Ministry of Education, hosted the school event of the Science and Technology Fair 2023, with the participation of the community to highlight the learning that develops in their rooms and classrooms in each of their institutions.

Since the event, more than 9,000 students and 1,300 teachers have engaged in this festival of science, technology, art and innovation, transforming education in the city.

After returning from vacation, they will participate in the regional phase of the event. In particular, the event will take place between July 31 and August 1, where more than a hundred municipal projects will participate in the exhibition.

“Since the beginning of our administration, we have encouraged educational institutions and their communities to engage in these initiatives and other similar initiatives such as the Mathematical Olympics, because they represent different and diverse scenarios that promote valuable learning not only with discipline, but also more relevant, such as the development of basic skills or the strengthening of social and institutional relationships. And to other dimensions”. Education Secretary Horacio Ferreira said.

The Provincial Science and Technology Fair is an educational proposal that presents a variety of teaching challenges: academic, communicative, social, cultural, etc. Córdoba celebrates its 55th edition, which this year will be head-to-head in all its events: school, regional and provincial.

“School fairs are a very important event, less structured, which allows all boys and girls to do school science. It’s wonderful to see how childhood explores, inquires and creates. Congratulations to the Municipal Education System for achieving prominence in this event, and it is also a regional, provincial and national event. We have no doubt that there will be. MCyT’s Director of Science and Technology Outreach Javier Martin highlighted.

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