NASA shows tropical forest loss in Acapulco after Hurricane Otis from space

NASA shows tropical forest loss in Acapulco after Hurricane Otis from space

The decision was announced by Minister of the Presidency María Nela Prada and Foreign Affairs Vice-Chancellor Freddy Mamani, the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a note posted on its website.

Vice President Freddy Mamani said Bolivia “rejects and condemns the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military attack on the Gaza Strip and has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Government of Israel.”

“We demand an end to the attacks that have so far caused thousands of civilian deaths and the forced displacement of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip; as well as an end to the blockade that prevents the entry of food, water and other essentials of life, Violates international law and international humanitarian law in the conduct of civilians in armed conflicts,” Prada is acting as interim president.

According to a British newspaper Guardian, Bolivia is the first country in the world to cut diplomatic ties with Israel Following the current conflict that began last October 7 when Hamas launched an attack against Israel.

Since then, Israel has launched a bombing campaign on Gaza that has killed more than 8,500 people, according to health officials in the Strip.

Although Israel’s goal is to eliminate Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007 and is considered a terrorist group by the European Union and the United States, many The victims of their bombing were women and children.

The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, held a meeting with Mahmoud Elelwani, the representative of the Palestinian Embassy in La Paz.

Hamas celebrates Bolivia severing ties with Israel

The announcement of cutting ties with Israel came a day after President Louis Arce met with Palestinian Authority Ambassador Mahmoud Elelwani in La Paz.

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In a statement released this Tuesday, Bolivian ministers They argued for a ceasefire and announced that the Ars government would send aid to Gaza..

The Islamist group issued a statement on Tuesday welcoming Bolivia’s decision It calls on Arab countries that have “normalized their relations with Israel” to do the sameAs reported by AFP.

Bolivia It re-established diplomatic relations with Israel during the Jeanine Anes government in 2020 due to the previous conflict in the Gaza Strip in 2009.

Colombia and Chile are calling their ambassadors in Israel for consultation

This Tuesday night, the President of Colombia, Gustavo Pedro, announced the invitation to consult his country’s ambassador to Israel, Margarita Eliana Manjarres Herrera.

In a message published on the X Network, the president said: “I have decided to call our ambassador in Israel for consultation. We wouldn’t be there if Israel didn’t stop the massacre of the Palestinian people“.

In the last two decades and before Pedro came to power, Colombia was considered one of Israel’s main partners in Latin America.

Chile’s President Gabriel Boric announced this Tuesday that he was calling on Israel’s ambassador to Israel, Jorge Carvajal, to consult on his X account, “because of the unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip.” .

“Chile strongly condemns and observes with great concern the military actions – this at this stage of their development Collective punishment should be imposed on Palestinian citizens in Gaza – Do not respect the basic norms of international law, more than eight thousand civilians affected, mostly women and children,” he noted.

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Chile is the country with the largest community of Palestinians outside the Arab world.



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