Nayeb Bugele promises to boost economy in El Salvador, but “bitter medicine”

Nayeb Bugele promises to boost economy in El Salvador, but “bitter medicine”
El Salvador Bugele

Nayeb Bukele addressed a crowd of followers from the balcony of the National Palace in the center of San Salvador. Photo: AFP

Nayeb Bukele addressed a crowd of followers from the balcony of the National Palace in the center of San Salvador. Photo: AFP

El Salvador’s president, Nayeb Bugele, was sworn in on Saturday for a second five-year term with a promise to rein in criminal gangs and boost the country’s economy, but warned that similar measures could be in place. “Appropriate Medicine”.

[Lee también: Nayib Bukele comienza segundo gobierno en El Salvador con poder casi absoluto]

“We’ve already fixed the most urgent thing, which is security, and we’re going to fully focus on the important issues, starting with the economy.”Bugel addressed a crowd of followers from the balcony of the National Palace in the center of San Salvador.

“In this new treatment to cure the economy, perhaps we should also take the bitter medicine (…) The country has already been cured of the gangs and now wants to cure itself of the bad economy”The 42-year-old president warned.

Bugel asked the Salvadores “Protecting tooth and nail” “Every decision made without hesitation”. “We’re going to make this country as prosperous as we did with insecurity.”He added, not expecting what action he would take.

The Salvadoran economy faces a public debt of $30 billion and a slowdown in GDP growth (from 3.5% in 2023 to 3% by 2024 by the IMF). An estimated one-third of the population lives in poverty.

See also  They demand concrete steps to revive the economy in the country and fight informality


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