Official Bulletin of the Argentine Republic – Ministry of Education


City of Buenos Aires, 11/21/2023

Higher Education Act no. 24,521 of articles 43 and 46 of the provisions of the Council of Universities dated June 19, 2019 no. 189 of Complete Agreements and Resolution of October 10, 2023 no. 1051 of April 4, 2019, No. of September 4, 2019. 2646 and dated May 6, 2021 no. 1514; CE Resolution of December 13, 2021 no. 1658, file no. EX-2018-12479452-APN-DD#ME, and


Section 43 of the Higher Education Act establishes that study programs of state-controlled enterprises may compromise the public interest and directly endanger the health, safety, or property of students. Take into account – in addition to the minimum workload provided by Article 42 of the same regulation – the basic curriculum contents and the criteria on the intensity of practical training established by the Ministry of Education in the agreement of the Council of Universities.

With the agreement of the Council of Universities, the Ministry shall also establish the professional activities assigned to the graduates included in the list of Article 43.

It is also provided that specific courses must be accredited from time to time by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU) or by private institutions established for that purpose (Article 43, Subsection b, Law No. 24,521). Establishes the Ministry of Education in consultation with the Council of Universities (Art. 46, subsection b, Law No. 24,521).

Ministerial Resolutions of September 9, 2019 no. 2646, dated May 6, 2021 no. In 1514, the Bachelor of Science Degrees Higher Education Law no. 24,521 were declared included in the list of Article 43. and Food, Technology Bachelor of Food Science and Technology and Bachelor of Food Technology.

Likewise, through resolution 1514 of May 6, 2021, the Higher Education Law no. 24,521 A material error in the name of professions included in the regime of Article 43 was corrected and professional activities reserved for students were recognized. Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology and Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology.

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Ministerial Resolution dated April 4, 2019 no. 1051, which is dated December 11, 2018 in Council of Universities no. 178 implements the Comprehensive Convention, which approved the “Standard Document of Common Application for Accreditation Courses. “.

As a result, the Higher Education Act no. 24,521 dedicated itself to analyzing the necessary documents according to Article 43.

For this purpose, CE Resolution of December 13, 2021 no. Taking into account the document prepared by the National Interuniversity Council by 1658.

After a thorough analysis of all aspects that made up the document under study, the Council of Universities came to define the basic curriculum contents, minimum hourly load, intensity of practical training, assigned professional activities and standards. At its plenary meeting held on October 10, 2023, Plenary Agreement No. Recognition of subject in question by 263.

As it is considered essential for the degree to be recognized with a view to national validity – the recognition of the core curriculum contents understood as the courses must comply – is questionable – from which course a team is accepted. guidelines and multidisciplinary study programs in which the content integrates the conceptual and theoretical information deemed necessary and the activities desired by the practice; Leaving space for each organization to develop the desired professional profile.

Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology Considering the need to define the professional activities to be assigned to degrees related to Food Science and Technology and Bachelor’s Degree, s Higher Education Law no. 24,521 already included in the regime of article 43 or may be included in the future – eventually – activities may overlap, it is appropriate to apply the common criteria adopted by the Council. Subject-related universities declare that the list of professional activities assigned to the recipients of their respective degrees is established without prejudice to the fact that other degrees may share some of them. It was established by CU Whole Agreement No. 51.

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In the same way, it is necessary to keep in mind the progress that can be achieved in the process of regional integration, which makes it necessary to review the documents approved in this event so that they are compatible with the agreements. Education Mercosur Area.

In accordance with this, it advised to introduce a forecast that considers both, taking into account the developments that can be made in this matter, and considering the inclusion of national university institutions for testing processes at the regional and/or international level. Aspects: the need to review the approved documents required for international developments, and accreditation – in accreditation processes – exceptional situations that may arise by incorporating certain industries into pilot experiences of curriculum compatibility.

Therefore, the principles of autonomy and pedagogical freedom must be taken into account in its interpretation and application.

That is, since this is the first application of the new regime in this life, it must be carried out gradually, especially during a period of transition where exceptional circumstances can be contemplated.

The Director General of Legal Affairs has issued an opinion on his jurisdiction.

Secretariat of University Policies has taken appropriate intervention.

This action was promulgated in exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 42, 43 and 46 Inc. b) Higher Education Act no. 24,521.


Minister of Education


Article 1.- Approve the content of the basic curriculum, the minimum hourly load, the intensity criteria of practical training, the standards for recognition and the professional activities assigned to the topics related to the scientific degree, the science degree Food Science and Technology and the degree in Food Technology Annex I (IF-2023-128109333- APN-SECPU#ME), Annex II (IF-2023-128110408-APN-SEIPU#08 (Annex-2008) of this resolution 128110969-APN- SECPU#ME), Annex IV (IF-2023-128111900-APN-SECPU#ME) ME) and Annexure V (IF-2023-128113397-APNSECPU#ME) .

Article 2.- In the application of the aforementioned links made by the different cases, they must pay special attention to the principles of autonomy and teaching freedom, seeking to guarantee the necessary margin of initiative of university institutions. 24,521 of the mechanism provided by section 43 of the Higher Education Act.

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Article 3.- A maximum period of twelve (12) months has been established for university institutions to transfer degrees in food science and technology, degrees in food science and technology and degrees in food technology. During this period, only calls for voluntary submissions may be made for accreditation of specific courses. Once that expires, calls for mandatory submissions may be made.

Article 4.- In order to introduce the necessary changes in the MERCOSUR education sector in accordance with the developments in this matter, the documents approved by this shall be reviewed.

Article 5.- Special attention must be paid to the exceptional circumstances that may arise from the participation of certain courses or institutions that teach in the testing processes of curriculum compatibility, internationally, in the use of approved documents.

Article 6.- Without prejudice to compliance with other legal or regulatory provisions applicable to the case, the offer of complete or partial courses of any degree related to the topic mentioned in Article 1, which must be carried out in whole or in part outside the headquarters. If qualified by the university institution, it will be treated as a new profession.

Article 7.- The annexes authorized by Article 1 shall strictly apply to all applications for official recognition and consequent national validity, which shall be issued for new works related to the specified topic. Official accreditation is granted after approval by the accrediting body and academic activities cannot commence until this occurs.

Article 8.- Communicate, publish, give to the National Director of Official Records and, when completed, archive.

James Persick

Note: The link(s) constituting this resolution are published on the BORA web version

e. 23/11/2023 N° 94820/23 v. 23/11/2023


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