Officials from 24 countries will participate in the 1st Forum of High-level Officials on Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Officials from 24 countries will participate in the 1st Forum of High-level Officials on Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ministers from different countries invited by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, UNESCO and CAF and responsible for digital and AI policies will come to Chile.

Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Peru, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname , Uruguay and Venezuela, our country will host the Forum of High Officials on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbean on Monday, October 23 and Tuesday, October 24.

It is an initiative brought together by CAF, UNESCO and the Government of Chile, in which different countries can share their concerns regarding AI, describe the public policies they promote and define regional policies to address this challenge. At this event, a joint declaration, the “Declaration of Santiago”, will be signed, affirming the will of 24 countries – and future accession countries. This is an international issue.

At this first meeting, the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Council on Artificial Intelligence will also be established. It is an organization supported by UNESCO and CAF that will act as a venue to discuss public policies related to AI, develop harmonized norms and share good practices among the countries of the continent. Organizations of this type are promoted by UNESCO and CAF -Development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Council is the first in the world to be officially established.

“We were able to confirm a few weeks ago that countries are working as a team on this matter, in the presidential delegation that went to the United Nations with President Gabriel Boric. So the importance of uniting our continent, our cultures, our languages ​​and our data is considered in AI development, which until now has only been undertaken by the Global North. The development of AI is also happening from the Global South and addressing both its benefits and associated risks has the context and perspective of our countries. It is very appropriate to promote the continental commitment to support the development of these technologies, respecting the principles of non-discrimination, procedural transparency, protected personal data,” said Eisen, Chile’s Minister of Science. Etcheverry will act as the host officer for the meeting.

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Chile’s leadership position in AI is recognized at a continental level, due to its institutional structure: Chile is one of the first countries in the region to have an AI policy in 2021, leading to the creation of research centers. A variety of fund-making and targeted postgraduate scholarships. This was confirmed a few months ago by the Latin American AI Index provided by Cenia (National Center for Artificial Intelligence), which measured various factors and demonstrated Chile’s first place in aspects such as training, connectivity, organization, etc. The invitation to this first forum of regional authorities comes to promote this leadership space.

As noted by UNESCO, it is urgent for governments to accelerate their roadmap on AI governance frameworks, beyond voluntary obligations, to ensure public security and economic and political stability in their countries. This forum, like the summit and the resulting council, is decision-making. “It is important to actively promote regional cooperation and collaboration that will allow for the consolidation of the regional position in the global debate on artificial intelligence and the creation of a space that can effectively contribute to the definition of ethical and strategic guidelines that guide use and development.” Intelligence for collective well-being and progress,” said UNESCO Deputy Director-General for Social and Human Sciences Gabriela Ramos.

“CAF’s commitment to AI is part of a programmatic agenda committed to the digital transformation of households, companies and governments in Latin America and the Caribbean as a factor in competitiveness, development and inclusion. These governments should develop governance plans, ethical and regulatory frameworks, talent strategies for AI, as well as strategies to promote the use of this technology by establishing data and advanced computing infrastructures that accelerate its implementation in use cases that add value to our socioeconomic systems. Areas where we at CAF want to be strategic allies,” highlighted Sergio Díaz-Granados, CAF’s Executive Director – Latin America and the Caribbean Development Bank.

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The forum will be held on Monday, October 23 and Tuesday, October 24 at the Ministry of External Affairs. The action plan is available here and registrations for participation in person (with limited intervals) and online through the MinCiencia website,


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