Paco Bazán talks about Ely Yutrovic’s reaction after revealing his past: “Baz was embarrassed, I don’t know his reasons” | Magaly TV La Firme | Showbiz | programs

Paco Bazán talks about Ely Yutrovic’s reaction after revealing his past: “Baz was embarrassed, I don’t know his reasons” |  Magaly TV La Firme |  Showbiz |  programs

Magali Medina This Monday showed images from an unknown past Paco BazanAfter the initial spread Eli Yudrovic In Chile, she appeared in skimpy clothes and pole danced.

The former footballer started out as a catwalk model where he showed off his incredible body in boxers. Also in 2012 and 2013 he made his acting debut in the series Augusto Polo Campos.

“I’m not an actor, life has been very generous to me, I can’t complain” Paco Bazán said in reports for Magpie.

Drom – Eli’s reaction after Paco reveals his past: “Bass was embarrassed, I don’t know his reasons”

Also, in 2013 he participated in one of Gisela Valcarcel’s reality shows and later in a reality show hosted by Vanessa Derges, where he burned his feet.

“I was ashamed of myself and felt helpless because there were no job alternatives. “They told me, enter this reality show and you’ll get into the drivers’ portfolio, which never happened.” Commented Paco Bazan.

Paco Bazán and Ely Yutronic’s reaction to seeing his past films

“The pass was embarrassing, I don’t know the reasons. We have nothing to do with the camera. I didn’t misread the reference, I understood that the reference showed another version of a TV character. “Everybody has a beginning in television, and the moment it happens we take it so seriously that we value it beyond what it actually is.”Paco Bazan said.

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