Paolo Guerrero: Ana Paula Consorte will remain in the Peruvian national team concentration | Video | programs

Paolo Guerrero: Ana Paula Consorte will remain in the Peruvian national team concentration |  Video |  programs

Pictures Ana Paula Spouse Magali TV broadcast La Firme at the hotel where the Peruvian team was gathered. In them the Brazilian can be seen talking to a young woman, before the bus arrives, along with Paulo Guerrero and his teammates from the red and white team.

In this situation, Magali Medina wondered if the model was staying in a hotel with red and white accents, and if so, why didn’t she stay at her mother-in-law’s house, Dona Peta?

According to the report, Ana Paula Spouse She will be there with her three children and her nanny; However, that would be far from it Paolo Guerrero They don’t even exchange words.

TROME | Ana Paula Consort at National Team Hotel (Magali TV)

According to Magali, Ana Paula was not invited to Dona Peta’s birthday

Magali Medina He published information from people close to the circle Paolo Guerrero and Ana Paula Consorte About last birthday Mrs. BettaA few days ago the Brazilian moved in with his youngest children.

“They wouldn’t have invited her to her mother-in-law’s birthday, so she took a plane and came with the kids.” Published Magpie.

And, every time he brought it up Ana Paula Spouse He arrives in Lima and stays at Doña Peta’s house, but this time he stays at a hotel in San Isidro. “From there he took the children to greet their grandmother.”Magali Medina said in conversation with Laura Borlini.

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