Paolo Guerrero | Magali Medina 'completes' Mavila Huertas for calling Donna Peta 'Mother of Peru': “Geisha of Peruvian football” | Video | Showbiz | programs

Paolo Guerrero |  Magali Medina 'completes' Mavila Huertas for calling Donna Peta 'Mother of Peru': “Geisha of Peruvian football” |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

He doesn't forgive anything. Magali Medina Dissatisfied with the interview Mavila Huertas To Donna Petta, mother of Paolo Guerrero. La 'Urraga' made his comments during his show that aired on Friday, February 16.

During the interview, Mavila Huertas praised Doña Peta, referring to her as the “Mother of Peru” and exemplified her love for her son: “We know how much you love your son.”The journalist revealed during her interview with the 'Predator' mom on 'It Happens Now'.

Magali Medina 'Perfected' Mavila Huertas for Calling Dona Peta 'Mother of Peru'

Not holding back, La 'Urraca questioned Mavila's approach: “I've Never Seen a Peruvian Soccer Geisha”. Magali continued to criticize the interview, suggesting that Mavila Huertas crossed the line by trying to include all Peruvians in the same group of Paulo Guerrero admirers.

“Peru Amma will be your mother, she will be your mother, but don't put us all in the same bag. “The fan came out, he wants to write to the fanatic or Paolo Guerrero” The entertainment journalist commented.

Medina also pointed out that Paolo should be grateful to Trujillo's team because they were the only ones interested in hiring him when no other team wanted him.

“Nobody wanted him, he didn't have a club. Everyone rejected him because of his injury, his age, his physique; not even here in Peru. And the way he refers to leaders is very arrogant,” he said.

Mávila Huertas was presented as host of “It's Happening Now” on ATV. (Photo: ATV Capture)

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