Patricio Parodi and the reason he cried in 'EEG', his family confirms the death of a loved one: “We will always meet my girl” | Video | Showbiz | programs

Patricio Parodi and the reason he cried in 'EEG', his family confirms the death of a loved one: “We will always meet my girl” |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

Patrizio Barodi created a sensation at the show 'This is warOn February 16, when the tears flowed. He was comforted Louisiana Foster After Johanna San Miguel mentioned that it was not an easy day for her.

Miss Grand International asked her not to ask about the title when encouraging her, and her colleagues in the program did the same. Finally, today the tragic reason why the hero could not contain his grief came to light and his family also shares his pain.

Patrizio Barodi and the reason he cried in 'EEG'

While the reality star decided not to talk about what caused him so much pain, he and his family decided to talk about the pain they feel at losing what they considered another member of the family.

Everyone in the Barodi family adores her as a daughter and her little dog. According to his sister Majo Barodi, the departure was unexpected because his beloved pet still had a lot to live for.

“See you forever my happy girl. Fly very high my baby. I have a lump in my throat, my heart is in pieces, but they say writing helps. You were the one who was with me throughout my pregnancy, slept with me every day, and was there on the hardest days when I cried ( …) You are missing a lot and had many plans for the future with 'Ferrucci'. Don't forget how happy you were and how much we love you and will always love you. Now you are with Mom and Dad.” Patricio's sister said.

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Patrizio Barodi bids farewell with an emotional message

After failing to contain his pain on national television, Patricio Barodi decided to share his feelings on his social media platforms, showing that he was one of the most affected by the news.

Louisiana Foster's partner expressed a few brief but emotional farewells to her pet, whom she also considered her own daughter. With the sky as a backdrop, Patricio revealed that the place will always bring back memories of his beloved pet:“See you soon, we love you.”

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