Pope Francis says there is a lot of “bagot” in Italian seminaries | Frosiagin | What did Pope Francis say about homosexuals? | Pope Francis’ Most Controversial Phrases | Homosexuality | the world

Pope Francis says there is a lot of “bagot” in Italian seminaries |  Frosiagin |  What did Pope Francis say about homosexuals?  |  Pope Francis’ Most Controversial Phrases |  Homosexuality |  the world

He Pope Francisco He had to apologize this Tuesday for using homophobic slurs during a private meeting with bishops, the content of which was leaked to the press on Monday. In particular, the supreme pontiff had told religious not to let homosexuals enter seminaries because “there is already too much stupidity,” citing the Roman expression as demeaning to LGBT people.

“He Pope Francisco Behind closed doors, recently published articles are known about the dialogue with the bishops of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) and he said on several occasions: ‘There is a place for everyone, everyone in the church! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. As we are, all of us,’ says a Vatican statement.

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The Pope never intended to offend or expose himself in homosexualityAnd I apologize to those who felt offended by the use of a term mentioned by others,” he adds.

Pope Francis celebrates World Children’s Day on May 26, 2024 at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

Which word did you use correctly? Francisco In a reserved meeting with the bishops? As the Italian correspondent of an Argentine newspaper explains He Dad Used colloquially “Frosiagin”, It is “herd”, A word that can be translated as “maricon”.Used to denigrate gay people.

The leak first appeared on the portal described it as “Many bishopsIn that closed-door meeting on May 20, the Pope is reported to have said this.The church has an air of ‘frosiage’ (fagot).And so bishops must always be “Remove all freaks from the seminaries, even the semi-orientated ones.”

Later, the newspapers Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica said “Already too much Frosiagin(Bacot) in the seminaries”, not in the Church, Published by Dagosbia.

What was said in the private meeting with the bishops

Pope Francis greets Hungarian pilgrims during an audience with Hungarian pilgrims in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on April 25, 2024.

La Nazion noted that the Pope and the Italian bishops are talking about a very serious issue, which is being debated. Italian Episcopal Conference For months: Whether or not openly gay people should be admitted to seminaries.

During this meeting, the Italian press reports. A bishop asked the Pope what he should do if a “homosexual” applied to enter the seminary.. “It would be better not to appoint someone with this tendency,” Francis would have replied. Rather than facing the “problems” caused by such situations, there is a risk of “losing the profession” by using this criterion. He explained that he was worried about continuing to live a double life Homosexualityand torture themselves for decay. It was in that context that the word homosexuality arose.

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“And Francis, who always reiterates the need to receive all people, was very strict on this issue in the face of the openings of the majority of bishops, reiterating his ‘no,'” Corriere della Sera reported. “And thinking that he was using a colloquial tone, he put it in his own way, noting that there was ‘already too much fagot (frosiagin)’ in the seminaries.

Corriere della Sera said the Argentine pope speaks Italian as a second language. Maybe he didn’t realize how insulting the word he used was.and added it This remark was received with incredulous laughter from the bishops.

A source close to the pope told the network Can also be translated There is a “gay climate” in seminaries.

The pope’s remarks contrast with some of his gestures of reconciliation toward LGBTQ+ Catholics. “Who am I to judge?” When asked about gays, more It has given priests the opportunity to offer informal blessings to same-sex couples.

The Vatican rules on candidates for the priesthood

A general view shows people gathered as Pope Francis presides over World Children’s Day at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on May 26, 2024.

Italian bishops have proposed changing the rules for candidates to seminariesCNN pointed out.

The Vatican ruled in 2005 that men who are actively homosexual or have “deep-rooted” homosexual tendencies cannot be admitted into the Church, and in 2016 Francisco confirmed this decision. Two years later, he told Italian bishops not to accept homosexuals for the priesthood.

According to the Corriere della Sera, in November Italian bishops approved a text to regulate admissions to seminaries, entitled “Ratio Formation Sacertodalis,” which has yet to receive the approval of the Holy See. This A homosexual is allowed to enter the seminary, provided he knows how to maintain the discipline of celibacy, just like a heterosexual..

Why does the Vatican openly dislike gay people? Spanish newspaper Explains that the Church seeks to avoid conditioning, so that no one chooses a priest to escape their own sexual condition. According to the rules, the idea is that the priest is “qualified to involve himself in right relations with men and women.” Develops in him a true sense of spiritual fatherhood In relation to the ecclesiastical community to which it is entrusted.”

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Criticism of Pope Francis

Father Alex Zanotelli presents a peace flag to Pope Francis during a meeting in Verona on May 18, 2024. (Photo: Marco Bertorello / AFP).

The Pope’s words have sparked outrage among his defenders LGTBQ collective and among Catholics who are tolerant of the homosexual community.

Francis DeBernardo, head of the US delegation, reported AFP Ministry of Information ChannelsIt protects and supports lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics, demanding an apology from the pontiff.

Pope Francis has not always been clear in his statements about LGTBQ+ people“DiBernardo told AFP. “We hope this incident will encourage you to learn more about the language you use, and how misuse can cause serious harm,” he added.

AFP also spoke to some tourists in central Rome who expressed displeasure at the words used Dad.

“I’m shocked, religion is about unity… it’s about bringing people together,” said Katerina Konstantinova, a tourist from London.

His daughter Alexandria, 14, added: “There’s no need for someone with authority like him to say bad things. You can say, ‘I don’t agree with that,’ and you don’t need to use that kind of language, it’s disrespectful.”

Pope Francis waves as he departs at the end of the weekly mass in St. Peter’s Square on October 11, 2023.

Other Controversial Phrases of Pope Francis

These are some of Pope Francis’ most controversial phrases:

  • About Abortion: “Is it fair to take a human life to solve a problem? Is it fair to rent? Sicario Solve a problem?”
  • Sorry to the gays: “As Cardinal Marx said, I believe that the Church must not only apologize to the offended homosexual, but it must also apologize to the poor, to the exploited women, to the exploited children. They should ask forgiveness for blessing many weapons with their labor. It was responding to a journalist who asked him about German Cardinal Karl Marx’s comments that the Church should apologize to homosexuals.
  • “When I meet a gay man, I have to distinguish between being gay and being part of the lobby. If you accept God and have good will, Who am I to judge them? They should not be marginalized. trend [a la homosexualidad] “That’s no problem… they are our brothers.
  • If you’re going to be a bad Christian, you better be an atheist: “How many times have we seen people who go to church – spend the day there or go every day – and then hate others or talk bad about people … it’s a scandal. Better not to go to church. Thus, live as an atheist. But if you go to church, live like a son, like a brother, and give a true testimony, not a counter-testimony.
  • “Paul VI the Great, in a difficult situation in Africa, allowed the use of nuns Contraceptives In cases of violence… On the other hand, avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. In some cases, as I mentioned with Pope Paul VI, it was clear.
  • About Practical Trade Unions: “In order to avoid any misunderstanding, I would like to point out that the Church must avoid in any way proposing the whole idea of ​​marriage. Marriage “.
  • “Voluntary celibacy is often discussed in this context, especially where there is a shortage of clergy. But voluntary celibacy is not a solution.
  • Note on Donald Trump: “A man who thinks not of building bridges, but of building walls, is not a Christian. If he had said this, I am going to say that this man is not a Christian.”
  • About the opposition in Venezuela: “It’s funny… the opposition itself is divided, isn’t it? On the other hand, the clashes seem to be getting more and more intense, but there is something in motion, I’m told about it… it’s still up in the air.”
  • Rumors are worse than Covid: “Rumors close the heart of the community, it closes the unity of the Church. The greatest speaker is the devil, who always speaks ill of others, because he is a liar who tries to divide the Church, alienate his brothers, and build the community… Please, brothers and sisters, let’s try. Not to gossip. Rumors are a plague worse than covid.
  • “Someone who wants to be pope doesn’t care much about themselves, God doesn’t bless them. I don’t want to be Pope”.
  • “Refugee camps – many of them – are concentration camps because they are full of people.”
  • Progress of Drug Trafficking in Argentina: “Hopefully we’ll have time to avoid Mexicanization.”
  • “Now the apologists think and condone my opinion that to be good Catholics we must be like rabbits. No, parents are responsible. Clearly”.
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