Put technology on the back end and drive blockchain adoption

Put technology on the back end and drive blockchain adoption

Understanding the difference between front end and back end is very important in Web3 technology. The term “front end” describes the part of Web3 applications that consumers interact with directly. This includes the user-facing side of technology, websites and decentralized applications (DApps).

On the other hand, the back end represents the complex system that supports these Web3 applications. This includes everything from distributed ledgers and smart contracts to consensus protocols.

However, accessibility and simplicity are key to Web3 adoption. If Web3’s technical problems on the front end, such as handling cryptographic keys or understanding blockchain concepts, are over-emphasized, it could alienate a significant portion of potential users. It is important that the user experience and interactions are fluid and easy to understand so that the end user does not have to worry about technical details.

By prioritizing accessibility and simplicity, Web3 technology will appeal to a wide range of users. This approach helps bridge the gap between those familiar with blockchain technology and a broader, more niche audience.

Harrison Hines, CEO and co-founder of Fleek, a Web3 application development platform, told Cointelegraph: “Simplicity and accessibility are key to the widespread development of computers, smartphones, mobile applications, and most recently artificial intelligence. “Hiding technical issues. The back end follows the same logic. Developers are also end users, and they need tools/infrastructure that are easy to use and build on.”

Advantages of hiding Web3 features on the backend

Blockchain-based applications can improve user experience by making it easier to navigate. While users are protected from the technical issues associated with blockchain technology and cryptographic keys, they can interact with Web3 applications in the same way as traditional web applications. This simplified experience encourages users to explore and adopt Web3 applications without fear of their complexity.

Simplified onboarding process for non-technical users

While the onboarding process is simple, people unfamiliar with blockchain technology can quickly get started with Web3 applications. This approach reduces the learning curve and allows a large and diverse user base to access the benefits of Web3 without requiring a deep understanding of its technical aspects.

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For example, Immutable Passport WAGMI Security simplifies the onboarding process by providing users with a direct, password-free registration experience. With just a few taps, users can create an account, eliminating the need to manage passwords. At the same time, Passport installs an insecure wallet in the background, which provides a secure repository for users’ digital assets.

Authentication options are simplified allowing users to choose from popular methods such as Google, Apple or email login.

Passport’s interoperability feature enables seamless logins across all games and markets across a consistent ecosystem.

This approach ensures a user-friendly experience, especially for those unfamiliar with Web3 technologies. According to Web3 gaming franchise WAGMI Games, this feature allows them to connect more players. According to WAGMI Games allows this feature to add more players.

Immutable Passport allows you to login to gaming sites like WAGMI Games. Source: WAGMI

WAGMI Games Development Director Kostas Kroustaloudis told Cointelegraph: “Simplifying the onboarding process for non-technical users is key to mass adoption of Web3 technology. Most people have no patience for convoluted and technical interfaces.”

Kroustaloudis continued: “In fact, the chance that someone will uninstall an app increases dramatically with each additional click or tap to reach their destination. This is especially important when introducing gamers to new titles. The difference between success and failure often depends on reducing one additional click.”

Attracts more users and developers

Having Web3 technology on the back end will help bridge the gap between early adopters and mainstream users, expanding Web3’s user base beyond techies and blockchain enthusiasts. As Web3 applications become indistinguishable from their traditional counterparts in terms of user experience, they are more likely to attract users who are reluctant to explore the technology due to its complexities.

According to some experts, making it easier to create applications that hide Web3 components on the back end could attract more developers and bring more Web3 applications to market.

Fleek’s Hines said: “The main benefit is making it easier and more accessible for more developers to use Web3 technologies in their backend to build applications.”

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Hines continued: “It’s just a numbers game. The more developers you have building Web3-powered applications, the more (and faster) you’ll start to find successful applications. “Web2 and mobile. Users finding new Web3 applications they enjoy will encourage them to try others.”

Reduce user errors and risks

Web3 technology’s back-end hiding has the added benefit of reducing user errors and risks. When users are not exposed to technical issues, there is less chance of critical errors such as mishandling cryptographic keys or engaging in insecure transactions.

This is especially important in decentralized financial applications, where small errors can lead to significant financial losses.

Reduce user errors and risks

A notable example of a Web3 implementation on the back-end is the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). ENS allows users to replace long, secret Ethereum addresses with human-readable domain names.

ENS allows human-readable names for wallets. Source: ENS

This technology can be integrated into applications, giving users a seamless experience. Users can send cryptocurrency to “john.eth” instead of “0x4cbe58a94d991087fa2dc648b1e33f55dbb53f4f2” so that transactions are less error prone.

To simplify cryptocurrency exchanges and user interactions, Coinbase uses cb.id usernames, a form of the ENS domain. These usernames are associated with the ENS infrastructure, simplifying complex wallet addresses by providing a human-readable alternative.

In addition, cb.id usernames automatically redirect web users to Web3 profiles at profile.coinbase.com.

When it comes to blockchain based games, WAGMI Games is another example. Its WAGMI Security mobile app uses a free business model and provides a familiar user experience. Players start by getting basic cards for free. If a player wants to participate in more challenging games with the chance to earn higher ranks and potential prizes, they can purchase NFT tokens with real money just like traditional apps.

While blockchain serves as the foundation for the game’s technology, players interact with the game through a more traditional interface. This design can reduce the perception of complexity and difficulty in using blockchain and NFT features and make them accessible to a wider audience.

Practical tips

For developers who want to create more user-friendly and fluid Web3 applications, implementing Gas optimization strategies is an important consideration. Gas fees are an inherent part of many blockchain transactions and can be a significant barrier for users.

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Developers can improve the gas payment problem by using layer 2 solutions such as state channels, diverting transactions from the main chain, reducing congestion and improving user experience, especially gaming DApps.

In addition, they can choose low-fee blockchains like BNB Smart Chain, Solana or Polkadot to create economic environments, especially for microtransactions.

Kroustaloudis agreed, telling Cointelegraph, “Gas fees, especially in the context of microtransaction-oriented applications, can be a significant barrier. Even a $0.10 gas fee, when frequent, can be problematic. With the emergence of many new L2 chains, such as Coinbase’s BASE and Immutable’s L2 solution, Gas bills are no longer a concern.

“Depending on the nature of the application, choosing to build on Layers 2 becomes an obvious choice to achieve mass adoption. To begin this journey, developers must thoroughly explore the needs of their target users and determine the most appropriate gas optimization strategy for their project.

Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology, specifically ZK-rollups, can reduce the burden on the main chain by combining off-chain transactions into a single smart contract, providing faster confirmation times and lower fees. Developers can integrate ZK-rollups to make their applications more efficient and cost-effective while improving the user experience.

Developers should also consider optimizing for mobile devices. Many users access Web3 applications on their smartphones, so ensuring an application is responsive on mobile devices and works seamlessly across different screen sizes and devices is critical to widespread adoption.

For users who plan to use Web3 applications, it is important to keep up-to-date with information and technology. Web3 and blockchain are evolving rapidly, and being informed about the latest developments, security best practices, and user guidelines can help users make informed decisions to protect their digital assets.

Clarification: The information and/or opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views or editorial line of Cointelegraph. The information provided herein should not be construed as financial advice or investment recommendation. All investments and business operations involve risks and are the responsibility of each person before making any investment decision.


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